Summer Pierson Apple ID Scam - Beware

Summer Pierson Apple ID Scam - Beware

Apple customers are asked to be aware of fake Summer Pierson on the App Store invoices (see below) claiming that they have purchased products from Apple's App or iTunes store. The fake email invoices were sent by scammers to frighten and trick the recipients into clicking on the links within them by claiming they need to do so in order to cancel the purchases and get a refund. But, once the recipients click on the link in the fake email invoices, they will be taken to a phishing website that steals personal, financial, and Apple credentials (usernames and passwords).

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Therefore, Apple customers who have received email invoices appearing as if they were sent from Apple, should avoid clicking on the links in them. They should instead, sign directly into the iTunes Store on their iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, PC, or Apple TV and check their accounts.

A "Summer Pierson Apple ID" Scam

Subtotal $99.99Tax $0.99 Receipt APPLE ID BILLED TO Summer Pierson 3022 E Jade Court Chandler, AZ 85286-0188 USA

DATE May 19, 2019


DOCUMENT NO. 162259222447

App Store PRICE

Summoners War, Chest of Crystals Report a Problem



Send money with a message.Use Apple Pay to send and receive money. It’s as simple as sending a text.

Learn More about Apple Pay Cash Privacy: We use a Subscriber ID to provide reports to developers. If you didn’t make this purchase or if you believe an unauthorized person is attempting to access your account, click here to cancel your purchase.

Apple ID Summary • Terms of Sale • Privacy Policy Copyright © 2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved

Recipients of the email voices claiming that they have ordered a product they did not, and who have clicked on the link in them, should change their Apple password and contact Apple Support for help.

Apple users, the best protection against phishing scams is to avoid clicking on links in email messages, social media messages, and text messages to sign into their online accounts.

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Jul 6, 2021 at 4:46 PM by
Summer Pierson Apple ID Scam - Beware
an anonymous user from: York, Markham, Ontario, Canada

Just got this email today. Still making the rounds in 2021


Jan 6, 2021 at 3:23 PM by
Summer Pierson Apple ID Scam - Beware
an anonymous user from: DeKalb, Atlanta, Georgia, United States

apple does nothing


Dec 16, 2020 at 4:50 AM by
Summer Pierson Apple ID Scam - Beware
an anonymous user from: Downtown, Houston, Texas, United States

She's at it again in 2020.. 'sumner pierson scam at jade court in chandler, AZ' .. Aka Summer Lopez, Alexander Pierson


Dec 14, 2020 at 3:20 PM by
Summer Pierson Apple ID Scam - Beware
an anonymous user from: Central Business District, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

I clicked on the link but got an alert stating it was a scam so it didn't take me any further. Since I didn't put in any personal information then I should be good right?


Dec 14, 2020 at 2:08 PM by
Summer Pierson Apple ID Scam - Beware
an anonymous user from: Mattydale, Salina, New York, United States

Happened to me, I called APPLE directly instead of clicking on anything.


Dec 9, 2020 at 5:22 PM by
Summer Pierson Apple ID Scam - Beware
an anonymous user from: Santa Clara County, Sunnyvale, California, United States

got the same Summer Pierson scam today. My computer had filed it under junk mail, so it is smarter than me! I did open the attachment, but none of the links worked, thank God. Checked with Pay Pal, Apple Store and there was nothing there.

This s**t is happening more and more. The USA has numerous law enforcement agencies, let's have another one who figures this out and penalizes these ppl.


Nov 18, 2020 at 12:12 AM by
Summer Pierson Apple ID Scam - Beware
an anonymous user from: Tucson, Arizona, United States

This person tried to use my PayPal account for an Apple "order" dated Nov. 19, 2020. Fortunately PayPal didn't pay.


Oct 2, 2020 at 10:54 PM by
Summer Pierson Apple ID Scam - Beware
an anonymous user from: Brandon, Mississippi, United States

I received the same email from Apple regarding the purchase of a game costing $99.99. And the person on it was Summer Pierson in Chandler AZ. It was saying to click on PayPal or something like that. But it also had “click here” if you did not order this. Sooooo, I clicked on it and it came up with “server not found.” I hope I didn’t make a mistake in clicking on that. I knew it was fake when I saw this email because I didn’t order anything. These things p**s me off.


Nov 23, 2020 at 12:38 PM by
Summer Pierson Apple ID Scam - Beware
an anonymous user from: Los Angeles, California, United States

Ugh I did the same thing. I had to contact apple right away. Did anything else happened to your accounts?


Apr 24, 2020 at 1:09 PM by
Summer Pierson Apple ID Scam - Beware
an anonymous user from: Arlington, Texas, United States

Red flags were everywhere in that fake email! Thank goodness I was able to find this page forum! Gotta give it to them. It looks pretty real. I was so worried my profile had been compromised. I did not click on anything but I did preview the receipt. I still changed my Apple ID login and password directly from apple's website just in case. When looking up my orders, this was nowhere to be found, not even with the order number included in the email.

The apple address in the email is wrong (located in Sydney Australia), the attachment did not display my Apple ID, so this was obviously being sent around without having to include my info to prove it was my purchase, AND WHO TF IS SUMMER PIERSON? LOL So, nice try.. but I'm not falling for it!


Mar 26, 2020 at 6:19 PM by
Summer Pierson Apple ID Scam - Beware
an anonymous user from: Hot Springs, Arkansas, United States

I clicked on it, but just took a picture of it. What does that mean for my accounts?


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Summer Pierson Apple ID Scam - Beware