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My-love Co Scam, Virus, New Year, Christmas Greeting Malicious Website

My-love Co at, is malicious and is being used by cybercriminals to steal account credentials by sending malicious messages with links to itself or other malicious websites to potential victims. The malicious messages display Christmas and New Year greetings via various messengers.


Below is a list of malicious websites used by cybercriminals to steal account information:

Online users are asked not to visit the websites that display a "Merry Christmas" or "Happy New Year 2020" message. After displaying the holiday greeting, visitors to the websites are asked to enter personal information. And, while the visitors are on the websites, a malicious programming script is executed that searches for access credentials. If it is able to find or gain access to the visitors' social media accounts, it will send a message to the visitors' user contacts with a link back to one of the malicious websites.

If social media users complain that they are receiving strange or suspicious messages from you, change your social media account passwords and scan your computer with the antivirus or anti-malware software installed on it.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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