Cenjiayu Scam - Mysterious Package and Fake Scarf From China

Cenjiayu Scam - Mysterious Package and Fake Scarf From China

My friend just received a mysterious package from China. It was sent to our work address and his name. Inside a cheap-looking scarf with wording GUCCI and a note written in broken English asking for payment. What the hell is it, are they just hoping that someone will be naive enough to actually pay it? It also says that payment will be taken automatically if not paid within a certain time.

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The parcel was sent via China Post and came from the following addresses:


Zhangcha light industry road

Fire Building

Chancheng District

Foshan City

Guangdong Province


From: CenJiaYu

No. 27 Jiangwan

Road, Chancheng

Districk Foshan Chancheng

Foshan, Guangdong


Phone: 8613516666666

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Apr. 20, 2023 at 7:13 AM by an anonymous user from: Zagreb, Croatia

To: 'auto5@vmcustomers.com' <auto5@vmcustomers.com>

Cc: 'servicecenter@officecustomer.com' <servicecenter@officecustomer.com>; 'servicecenter@bestofcustomerservice.com' <servicecenter@bestofcustomerservice.com>

Subject: RE: Order paid successfully notified!-RE: Tracking for your order!-payment ID: 2303161703364330

Dear sirs/Madame

Yesterday I received a box with VK2303161703364330 on it. It was sunglasses, not a coat


helipay*mydresshomes, zhong qing sh, CHN.


Apr. 20, 2023 at 4:50 AM by an anonymous user from: Zagreb, Croatia

helipay*mydresshomes, zhong qing sh, CHN.


To: 'auto5@vmcustomers.com' <auto5@vmcustomers.com>

Cc: 'servicecenter@officecustomer.com' <servicecenter@officecustomer.com>; 'servicecenter@bestofcustomerservice.com' <servicecenter@bestofcustomerservice.com>

Subject: RE: Order paid successfully notified!-RE: Tracking for your order!-payment ID: 2303161703364330

Dear sirs/Madame

Yesterday I received a box with VK2303161703364330 on it. It was sunglasses, not a coat


Aug. 27, 2020 at 9:17 PM by an anonymous user from: Danville, Virginia, United States

I got a Hermes scarf (fake). It was in ziploc type plastic bag with Hermes stamped on it...really. The invoice is for HKD 4050.00 which is 522.00 US. Needless to say, I did not order it and will not be bothered with it. Checked with my credit card companies and no charges there. Just irritating! Has anybody gotten ill from handling any of these items?


Sep. 7, 2020 at 5:42 AM by an anonymous user from: United Kingdom

I have just received a parcel from China with a blue scarf in a plastic zip bag with HERMES on it. The invoice is for 4050.00. Glad I saw the original post because I was concerned but I am not now, thanks.


Aug. 31, 2020 at 3:38 PM by an anonymous user from: Detroit, Michigan, United States

I received one as well, thing it’s going to just go in the trash


Jun. 30, 2020 at 9:24 AM by an anonymous user from: Meridian, Mississippi, United States

I ordered boots from Muck off Facebook and got a scarf


Feb. 8, 2022 at 4:59 AM by an anonymous user from: Budweis, Jihoceský kraj, Czech Republic

Hezký den, já dostala místo obuvI čepici! Tak to je masakr 😩

Have a nice day, I got a hat instead! So it's a massacre


Jul. 6, 2020 at 5:40 PM by an anonymous user from: Bolivar, Missouri, United States

Same. Have you figured anything out?


Jun. 28, 2020 at 7:47 PM by an anonymous user from: Meridian, Idaho, United States

I received a pair of Gucci men's sunglasses that I did not order. I do not plan to pay for them as I didn't order them. What can I do

from CenJiaYu

District, Foshan, CHANCHENG, FOSHAN, GUAN GDONG 528000


Phone 8612516666666


Jun. 30, 2020 at 6:51 AM by an anonymous user from: Seville, Andalusia, Spain

Hi. I've got the same here in Spain and I didn't order it...did you get any answers?


May. 18, 2020 at 6:43 PM by an anonymous user from: La Habra, California, United States

We just received a scarf that is supposedly Burburry. No charges on the card but I cancelled it anyway.


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Cenjiayu Scam - Mysterious Package and Fake Scarf From China