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Nike Modeling Scam Fake Instagram Application

The fake Nike Modeling social media post below, which claims Nike is looking for models between the age of 11-21 to showcase their 2020 footwear, is another scam created by online scammers. Therefore, online users are asked not to follow the instructions in it. Despite the less-than-convincing fake Instagram post, a number of people have already fallen for this scam.


The Nike Modeling Scam

Nike Modelling Application

Nike Logo

We Are Looking For Models Ages 11-21 To Represent Nike In Displaying Our New Season Of Clothing And Footwear for 2020!

To Apply:

Follow Our Page @nikemodelling

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Wai Until You Receive The Direct Message of Approval From Us To Initiate The Selection Process


You Must Be In The Specified Age Range

To determine if a Nike post or advertisment is legit or not, you may go to their website social media pages (see below) and ask them to verify:

Or contact them using the information on the following page:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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