I received this text from 244444: "Google is verifying phone# of this device. tEp5XfsQ Learn more: https://goo.gl/LHCS9W." Is this a legitimate text from google? I did not click the link because I do not know if it is malicious or not.
You may have received the text message if you were or a device you have was trying to login to your account or activate an app. I do recognise that number as a Google one, but i would recommend the following first:
Check your recovery options at the follownig link and ensure they are your details, and fill out any unfilled fields, as the more you have filled in the better - https://myaccount.google.com/security#signin
Go to the following link and remove any unknown devices, and change your password immediately - https://security.google.com/settings/security/activity
Or you can go through this Security Checklist at https://support.google.com/mail/checklist/2986618
Or do a security checkup at https://myaccount.google.com
Set up 2-step login or verification at http://www.google.com/landing/2step/