24444 Google Text Scam - Verifying Device Phone Number

24444 Google Text Scam - Verifying Device Phone Number

I received this text from 244444: "Google is verifying phone# of this device. tEp5XfsQ Learn more: https://goo.gl/LHCS9W." Is this a legitimate text from google? I did not click the link because I do not know if it is malicious or not.

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You may have received the text message if you were or a device you have was trying to login to your account or activate an app. I do recognise that number as a Google one, but i would recommend the following first:

Check your recovery options at the follownig link and ensure they are your details, and fill out any unfilled fields, as the more you have filled in the better - https://myaccount.google.com/security#signin

Go to the following link and remove any unknown devices, and change your password immediately - https://security.google.com/settings/security/activity

Or you can go through this Security Checklist at https://support.google.com/mail/checklist/2986618

Or do a security checkup at https://myaccount.google.com

Set up 2-step login or verification at http://www.google.com/landing/2step/

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May 24, 2020 at 10:52 PM by an anonymous user from: Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

Does Google do this, can someone help me, my life is so weird. I can't trust anything. I never had my device checked


May 24, 2020 at 10:49 PM by an anonymous user from: Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

Someone is trying to text and say there verifying this phone a lot of stuff has been hacked or something someone is doing bad things to me and no one cares. My life has become weird and scary and I have no one. I'm always scared now. Every phone I have this happens I get mine at Wal-Mart its Wal-Mart family mobile.


Aug 27, 2020 at 12:30 PM by an anonymous user from: United States

Hello from Indiana, first- take a moment and breathe, things are better than you think right now. Find someone you trust and have them look at your phone, sometimes a different set of eyes can find things you may have overlooked or ignored. It can be scary sometimes, for some people their phone is their life and any intrusions can be perceived as a threat to their life. Find someone that can look at your phone and hopefully they will be able to help you. I hope this advice helps, have a nice day.


Dec 18, 2019 at 8:07 AM by info

You may have received the text message if you were or a device you have was trying to login to your account or activate an app. But, if you think you were not attempting to login to your account, ignore the text message.


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24444 Google Text Scam - Verifying Device Phone Number