If you have received PayPal emails that claim you have authorized payment for Opodo Ltd, please do not click on the link or follow the instructions in the same emails. This is because the emails maybe fakes being sent by cybercriminals. The links in the fake emails go to a fake or phishing PayPal website that steals personal and account information.
Yesterday, I received a fake email with a transaction of $120.99 for Opodo Ltd. But, when I sign into PayPal account at www.paypal.com, there was no activity of the transaction.
When you receive a PayPal email, always go directly to www.paypal.com and sign into your account, instead of clicking on the links in the email. This will prevent you from clicking on links that may take you to phishing or fake PayPal websites. Once you have signed into your PayPal account, you should be able to view the transaction stated in the email. If there is no such transaction, then you know the email is a fake.