Is Popzora an Untrustworthy Online Store?

Is Popzora an Untrustworthy Online Store?

Popzora at, is an untrustworthy online store. Online users are advised to stay away from the untrustworthy website because those who shop from it run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods or nothing at all. Unsatisfied online users who have shopped on the untrustworthy website are asked to contact their bank or financial institution to have their transactions canceled and money refunded.

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Phone Number: 010-8492-4276

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Dec. 19, 2019 at 11:21 AM by
Is Popzora an Untrustworthy Online Store?
an anonymous user from: Santa Clara, California, United States

I ordered 2 items. One was never came and I sent dozens and dozens od emails and got the same automated responses. The 1st item is not what pictured and much too small. The other item was never shipped. We spen a lot of time (have the right to shop in a normal manner ; but retailers refuse to stock the stores). I want the item now and have the right to go and get it when I want it. That is just normal shopping. I detest this computer stuff because they NEVER have what I want. It is my constitutional right to go to the stores and get what I need and want! Why should I wait to get what I want and/or need!

This sk site refuse to send the return label. They are engaging in deceit and theft.


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Is Popzora an Untrustworthy Online Store?