Fraudulent Chinese Companies on Facebook

Fraudulent Chinese Companies on Facebook

There are many fake companies advertising on Facebook that sell you something that looks wonderful but later turns out to not only be a scam company. And, as soon as they have your credit card information, they start charging things all over the United States.

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It happened to me with a company called Betteryome. They use fake pictures of beautiful merchandise cut from fashion magazines and send you a very thin silky material piece of crap that you paid $50 for. When you call to return it, they say it must be returned to China which costs more than the price of the item.

Weeks later, across the country, people charged gas and other items to my credit card. A dispute with my credit card finally cleared it but never ever buy from a company that advertises on Facebook. The latest is Honestystar that sells boots just as bad EV.

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Fraudulent Chinese Companies on Facebook