Is Orcsmedia an Untrustworthy Streaming Website?

Is Orcsmedia an Untrustworthy Streaming Website?

Orcsmedia HQs located at is an untrustworthy streaming website that claims to provide unlimited movies, music, books, and games. The website also attracts visitors by claiming to be giving away free Samsung Galaxy and iPhone 8 smartphones. Orcsmedia

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Orcsmedia HQs at

Orcsmedia HQs at



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Jan. 22, 2021 at 2:17 AM by
Is Orcsmedia an Untrustworthy Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: Pay-As, Kadingilan, Northern Mindanao, Philippines

I won an iphone from orcmedia but they want my credit 💳 number and "ccv" if I'm not mistaken... Is this legit


Jun. 30, 2021 at 12:09 PM by
Is Orcsmedia an Untrustworthy Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: Hastings, Christ Church, Bridgetown District, Barbados

Hi, my name is Mark and I am a representative of, based on the review made I can assure you we are not a scam and are willing to look into this for you. You may send your response to and we will see how best we may assist with your query.


Jan. 22, 2021 at 6:55 AM by
Is Orcsmedia an Untrustworthy Streaming Website?

No, it is not legit.


Jun. 5, 2020 at 4:10 AM by
Is Orcsmedia an Untrustworthy Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: Asker, Akershus, Norway

Orcsmedia is totally untrustworthy.

My correct credit card info was taken, and then received error message block my access.

Probably my credit card will now be misused for fraud...


Mar. 29, 2020 at 4:33 PM by
Is Orcsmedia an Untrustworthy Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: Wirral, England, United Kingdom

I was scammed on Facebook to sign up to orcsmedia where they claimed to give you 5 days free trial. I was immediately charged £11 and £1 for the overseas currency. The real site, not a copied one. The person on Facebook was a cloned account and now I am paranoid they have my details.! 😡 THEY soon disappeared when I told them I'd reported them to the police.


Mar. 10, 2020 at 8:33 AM by
Is Orcsmedia an Untrustworthy Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

It's a scam. It stole my money.


Oct. 14, 2019 at 6:46 AM by
Is Orcsmedia an Untrustworthy Streaming Website?

"I check my account balance because 'money missing'. Within 2 weeks there were 3 purchases there from a COMPANY I have never heard of, 3 purchases $39.95, $2.95, $1.94 totaling $44.84. I tried calling the phone # listed and there was no answer. I reported it to my Bank, and I had to have my ACCOUNT CLOSED, Reissued a new CARD and submit numerous calls, paperwork for a dispute."

Received via email.


Apr. 13, 2020 at 8:55 AM by
Is Orcsmedia an Untrustworthy Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada

did you get your money back? My son had five months worth of payments missing from his bank account. He had never heard of this company. They were taking $95 Canadian each month


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Is Orcsmedia an Untrustworthy Streaming Website?