"Amazon Order Details" Malicious Emails Being Sent by Cybercriminals

Amazon Order Details Malicious Emails Being Sent by Cybercriminals

Online users who have received the fake "Amazon Order Details" with a link (Order Details) to malicious Microsoft Word document called ORDER_DETAILS.doc. If the malicious Microsoft Word document is open, you will be asked to "Enable editing" or "Enable Content," but doing so will cause malicious code in the fake document to execute. The malicious may download a virus, spyware or other malware on your computer. That is why online users should never "Enable editing" or "Enable Content" for Microsoft Word documents unless they can verify that the document is trustworthy.

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A Sample of the "Amazon Order Details" Email

Your Amazon.com order

From: "confirm@amazon.com" coordinacion.distsl@grupo-liquis.com

Date: January 16, 2019 at 11:37 AM

Subject: Order details


Your Recommendations

Your Account | Amazon.com

Order Confirmation

Order #155-1901929-0965824


Thank you for shopping with us. We confirmation that your item has shipped. Your order details are available on link below. The payment details of your transaction can be found on the order invoice.

Your estimated delivery date is:

Thursday, January 17, 2019 - Saturday, January 19, 2019

Your shipping speed:

Express Order details

Payment Summary

Order #155-1901929-0965824

Item Subtotal: $110.40

Shipping & Handling: $5.20

Total Before Tax: $115.60

Estimated Tax: $10.40

Order Total: $126.00

To learn more about ordering, go to Ordering from Amazon.com.

If you want more information or need more assistance, go to Help

Thank you for shopping with us.


The Malicious Microsoft Word Document

Malicious Microsoft Word Document

Online users who have been tricked into opening the malicious Microsoft word document and who have "Enable editing" or "Enable Content," are asked to scan their computers with the antivirus software on their computer to ensure that their computers are not infected with a virus, spyware or some other malware.

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"Amazon Order Details" Malicious Emails Being Sent by Cybercriminals