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The "Western Union Federal High Court Cancellation Notice" Scam

The "Western Union Federal High Court Cancellation Notice" email below is a scam being sent by online scammers. These scammers are bilking millions of dollars in scams from vulnerable seniors citizens. Therefore, recipients of the same scam are asked not to follow the instructions in them.


The "Western Union Federal High Court Cancellation Notice" Scam

From: Western Union -

Date: September 24, 2018 at 10:37:18 PM EDT

Subject: Transfer Cancellation Notice

Reply-To: Western Union -

Dear Customer,

This is to report to you that our Western Union bureau have received a correspondence from the federal high court as cancellation notice of your fund transfer to be deleted from foreign payment file .The Western Union management desires to inform you that your funds transfer with us has been programmed among the 5 (FIVE) transactions that will face cancellation soon.

We have waited enough for you to fulfill the required obligations and claim the funds like other beneficiaries that have claimed their funds before (last year ending) but nothing came up from you as an indication from the funds owner.

The management of this Western Union held an urgent meeting in my office today, regarding the transferring of your funds by Western Union and they have asked my office to submit all the paper works and files containing your funds confidential but i refused and asked the board members to give me 2days so that i consult you personally for you to declare your interest on the funds transfer.

Further more, you are advised to reply to this email after reading, and feel free to tell us why you abandoned such huge amount here. Let us know if you are no longer interested in completing your transaction.

Finally, if you still have the interest of being paid your funds by Western Union money transfer; you should kindly forward your receiver’s name and address including your phone number and your funds will be transferred to you immediately.

I am looking forward to your positive cooperation fairly soon.

Best regards.

Mr. Williams Walker.

Operation Manager

Western Union

Western Union Management

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