The "Sigrid Rausing" LinkedIn Charity Donation Scam

The Sigrid Rausing LinkedIn Charity Donation Scam

Online users, be aware of fake "Sigrid Rausing" LinkedIn emails like the one below, which claim that Sigrid Rausing is giving away millions of dollars in humanitarian grant donations. The fake emails are being sent by online scammers who are attempting to trick their potential victims into sending them money, by claiming they need to do so, receive their so-called donations from Sigrid Rausing. Therefore, recipients of the same email messages asked to delete them and not follow the instructions in them. And, remember never send money to receive donations or lottery prizes. This is usually the first sign that someone is attempting to scam you.

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Sigrid Maria Elisabet Rausing (born 29 January 1962) is a Swedish philanthropist, anthropologist, and publisher. She is the founder of the Sigrid Rausing Trust, one of the United Kingdom's largest philanthropic foundations,[2] and owner of Granta magazine and Granta Books.

The "Sigrid Rausing" LinkedIn Charity Donation Scam

From: Sigrid Rausing

Date: Sep 14, 2018 at 8:06 PM

Subject: Sigrid Rausing has sent you message on LinkedIn


Sigrid Rausing

Author, publisher, philanthropist

London,United Kingdom

I am Mrs. Sigrid Rausing, a Swedish business tycoon, investor, and philanthropist. Who distributed approximately 208.3 million to human rights organizations charity globally, and I also pledged to give away the rest of 25% this year 2018. However, your E-mail which was randomly selected by Google Inc.

As an active linkedin user to receive a donation of One Million Dollars as part of Sigrid Rausing charity project. Kindly Confirm ownership of your E-mail by contacting Sigrid Rausing via email for claim.

You can also read more about Sigrid Rausing via the link

Contact me via my E-mail:

Sigrid Rausing

Author, publisher, philanthropist

London,United Kingdom

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May 14, 2019 at 2:22 PM by
The "Sigrid Rausing" LinkedIn Charity Donation Scam
an anonymous user from: Ashburn, Virginia, United States

I met this guy online "Ben Lucas". And so blindly I fell in love with him over a while and I never knew he was a scammer. He lied that he was an engineeer working outside the country and he promised to send me a parcel with alot of his cash and valueables in it by a fellow scam ipost courier agent ("Tracy Lewis" email: and

He also promised to come back home and be with me a we'd live our lives together but I ended up sending over $200,000 to him and he's fake courier agents. I found out this was all a scam when I hired a personal investigator to check him out and also confirmed the identity of the criminal.


post personal (Tracy lewis) on the ipost website ( I was destroyed by this b*****d, now I am bankrupt. I kept paying and never got the d**n package.


Nov 26, 2018 at 8:13 PM by
The "Sigrid Rausing" LinkedIn Charity Donation Scam
an anonymous user from: Huechuraba, Region Santiago Metropolitan, Chile

Received this:

"Mayer Karin & Law Firm socio

Categoría: Servicios Legales

Sub Categoría: Abogados

Persona de contacto: abogado Mayer Karin



Ver mensaje original

Desactivar para: inglés

MK y PLF / BCC / A109

Mayer Karin & Partners Law Firm

Categoría: Servicios Legales

Sub Categoría:"


Nov 1, 2018 at 9:15 AM by
The "Sigrid Rausing" LinkedIn Charity Donation Scam
an anonymous user from: Burlington, Vermont, United States

I got the first email, but I haven't taken the next step to "confirm." Here is the text of the second email I received.

Sigrid Rausing <>, Amy <amypfe

"Dear Beloved,

I am glad to receive your response. I am Mrs Sigrid Rausing, a Swedish business tycoon, investor, and philanthropist, who distributed approximately £208.3 million to human rights organizations charity globally. And I also pledged to give away the rest of 25% this year 2018 through charitable courses. You can visit the web to know more about me and my foundation on

My major aim is to try my possible best to touch lives around the world positively. So therefore, aside my foundations, every year 10 Lucky Email addresses are randomly selected around the globe to receive a personal grant donation of $1,000,000.00 (One Million United States Dollars) from me. It is a personal and righteous covenant gift coming straight from my heart and so therefore, I take it very personally, seriously and extremely private because I already own a foundation that is legally allocated to handle all my Grants and Donations as constituted such as this.

The intention of this email is to be of immense blessing to people around the world. With my age, I cannot continue to amass wealth without giving out. Your Email was randomly selected after an electronic computer spinball among the emails submitted by the Google, Inc as active web user to receive $1,000,000.00 (One Million United States Dollars). This donation has been allocated to you not just because you are lucky nor by chance but by divine intervention. I do not care about your age, race, and gender, believe or ethnicity as kindness is implanted in the heart, I therefore urge you to make sure you also impact positively to your environment and be a tool of divine happiness to lives around you. We are never too young or old or vulnerable to be a blessing. With this, I believe my wealth is spreading around the globe and it will forever gladden my heart and elevate my soul.

Life has being designed such as we will not live forever. For this reason tomorrow is not promised, so I have made sure this my righteous personal donation Last for Long time even after I am no longer Alive to do so. I have already made a fixed deposit with a prestigious new generation Bank. They will be responsible for releasing donated funds even after I'm gone to all my beneficiaries and provide enough convenience during process of claim.

I will be embarking on Vacation/medical checkup due to my health and also due to my status quo, I will not be chanced in my busy Schedule to handle disbursement of your funds to you. I have given the full mandate to Barrister Miguel Karin (My personal attorney) who already knows more details about this Donation to help guide you through receiving your donated funds. I will only be able to access this e-mail on my return. Barrister Miguel Karin is to endorse the Beneficiary Certificate of Legality to enable the financial Institution in-charge of funds disbursement release your money to you. Contact Barr. Miguel Karin the below contact information.

Miguel Karin & Partners Law Firm

Category: Legal Services

Sub Category: Attorneys

Contact Person: Barrister Miguel Karin


For Effective response and communication, When contacting (Barrister Miguel Karin ) make sure you send along your Full Name and Phone Number to As soon as my attorney issues you the Certificate of Legality to confirm Funds legality and approval by the government, you will be instructed on how to receive your $1,000,000.00 (One Million United States Dollars). The whole procedures have been programmed in this manner to ensure orderliness and avoid misappropriation of funds.

Do not be surprised for it is a reality of life. I urge you to be inspired and impact lives positively around you just as it has been have done unto you. You don't have to be bothered about this donation; I have done so from a pure motive. Do yourself a great favor and relax for you have been blessed.

Together let us keep the hope of the less privileged, poor and sick people a live.

Kind Regards,

Mrs Sigrid Rausing

CEO Sigrid Rausing Trust.

04.10.2018, 18:29, "amy" <amypfei

Of course I would like to take advantage of your generous offer to support charity and philanthropy in Barton, Vermont.

Thank you,


Barton, Vermont USA"


Sep 26, 2018 at 9:35 AM by
The "Sigrid Rausing" LinkedIn Charity Donation Scam
an anonymous user from: Greenville, South Carolina, United States


I saw this alert too late! They did not get any money on this one but they have my passport and drivers license information. I am praying that they do not open accounts with my information. Now I have to try to monitor that on credit reports. I have all of the correspondence emails that were sent back and forth to and from a fake Brett Newton and a fake Barrister Miguel Karin and fake Sigrid Rausing, Whoever these scammers are. It all sounded legitimate.

To report it right, I need to be able to send full emails to you.


Sigrid Rausing <>

Sat 9/15/2018, 6:49 AM


Contact me via my E-mail:

Sigrid Rausing

Author, publisher, philanthropist

London,United Kingdom


Sigrid Rausing <>

Sun 9/16/2018, 5:53 PM

Dear Beloved,

I am glad to receive your response. I am Mrs Sigrid Rausing

The intention of this email is to be of immense blessing to people around the world. With my age, I cannot continue to amass wealth without giving out. Your Email was randomly selected after an electronic computer spinball among the emails submitted by the Google, Inc as active web user to receive $1,000,000.00 (One Million United States Dollars). This donation has been allocated to you not just because you are lucky nor by chance but by divine intervention.

I will be embarking on Vacation / medical checkup due to my health and also due to my status quo, I will not be chanced in my busy Schedule to handle disbursement of your funds to you. I will only be able to access this e-mail on my return. Barrister Miguel Karin is to endorse the Beneficiary Certificate of Legality to enable the financial Institution in-charge of funds disbursement release your money to you. Contact Barr. Miguel Karin the below contact information.

Miguel Karin & Partners Law Firm

Category: Legal Services

Sub Category: Attorneys

Contact Person: Barrister Miguel Karin


Kind Regards,

Mrs Sigrid Rausing

CEO Sigrid Rausing Trust.



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The "Sigrid Rausing" LinkedIn Charity Donation Scam