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"Universal Company Registry" Scams

The "Universal Company Registry" email message below which the senders claim the recipients can insert their companies in the Universal Company Registry by completing and submitting an attached form, appears to be fake. The email came from an email address that is not associated with a Universal Company Registry domain and the telephone number in the email is allegedly associated with other European Business Directory Listing scams.


The "Universal Company Registry" Email Message

Pending - World Business List 2018-2019 [REF:GVU-46668]

Thu 16/08/2018 08:05

From: "Universal Company Registry" -

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In order to have your business inserted in our list of Universal Businesses for the 2018\2019 edition: please print, complete and reply with the attached document (wbl-fn.jpg) or send it to the following address:

World-Business List

Postbox 34

3700 AA Zeist

The Netherlands

Fax: +31 30 310 0126

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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