"Your Bank of America Account was Disabled" Phishing Scam
Bank of America customers, be aware of "Your Bank of America Account was Disabled" phishing email scams like the one below that are being sent to potential victims by cybercriminals. The phishing email scams are used to steal Bank of America customers' username, password, personal and financial information. This is done by attempting to frighten and trick potential victims into clicking on a link in the same emails that goes to a phishing website that steals personal information and online account credentials.
A Sample "Your Bank of America Account was Disabled" Phishing Scam
From: Bank of America
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 4:41 AM
To: Recipients
Subject: Security alert for your account
Dear Customer,
Your Bank of America Account was disabled because it looked like it was being used in a way that violated our policies.
If you think this was a mistake, click here to sign in and verify the disabled account as soon as possible to reactivate your account. You should do this soon, because disabled accounts are eventually deleted from our system.
The Bank of America Accounts team
This email can't receive replies. For more information,
Bank of America customers should always go directly to Bank of America's website at https://www.bankofamerica.com/ and sign into their accounts from there, instead of clicking on a link in an email message. And, Bank of America (BOA) customers who have been tricked by the scam should immediately attempt to change their BOA account passwords and contact Bank of America for help.
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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.