"Capital Loaner Commission" Court Notices and Loan Repayment Scams

Capital Loaner Commission Court Notices and Loan Repayment Scams

Fake Capital Loaner Commission email court notices or notifications like the one below, which claim that the recipients will be served court notices to attend their district courts if they do not make payment on their total outstanding loan balances, should be ignored and deleted. This is because the fake email notices are just another scam being used by cyber criminals or scammers to trick and frighten their potential victims into sending them money by threatening legal actions. If potential victims respond to the fake email messages they will be subsequently asked by the scammers to send money in order to avoid arrest or to appear in court.

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Remember, the United States government will never send warrants or legal notices via email messages. They would be served in person by a U.S. Marshal or other law enforcement officer. Anyone receiving a fake arrest warrant should contact the FBI or the district U.S. Marshals Office. If there is any question regarding the authenticity of a warrant, contact your district clerk of court.

A Sample of the "Capital Loaner Commission" Loan Payment Scam

From: Collection Department <info@capitalloanercommission.com>

Date: Mon, Aug 13, 2018, 5:36 PM


Dear Bethanyl

Your last payday loan was remaining for $1230.00 and you have paid settlement amount $940.00 and now it is closed. We have found second case file on your name and it is still unpaid.

This is all about an online loan which was borrowed by you $400.00 and within the stipulated time period given by the company, but you have not yet paid back to the company including late fees, penalty fees and interest it became $1,260.00 now the company wants their money back so that is the reason why the company has filed a case against your name,

Loan Information:

Case File No: DA-331963/NY-2891

Principal Amount: $400.00.

Late fees Penalty fees & interest Amount: $860.00

Total Due Balance: $1260.00.

If you would like to make a one-time final payment to settle your account, we can waive all fees and freeze the existing cash advance, thus taking your balance down from $1260.00 to $910.00 and accepting $910.00 as a one-time final payment for before 08/16/2018. After paying this your all debt will be cleared.

IF once your case file gets downloaded inside the court house then you have to pay $4589.00 inside the court house including Court fees, Judge Fees, Attorney fees, extra penalty and lots of more.

Our company would prefer to give you one last opportunity to make payment and avoid legal action, IF you want to settle this account without any legal procedures and discuss anything please contact us by email undersigned immediately,

Reply me back at your earliest convenience so I can be in a position whether to put hold on your case file or to proceed it inside the court house.

Thank you.


Capital Loaner Commission

Collection Agency/Legal Counsel.

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Nov 3, 2022 at 11:04 AM by
"Capital Loaner Commission" Court Notices and Loan Repayment Scams
an anonymous user from: Frankfort, Kentucky, United States

I received an email from Alex Robbert on 11/3/2022, from the email alexrobbert3584@gmail.com regarding a loan with Capital Loaner Commission. I have never obtained a loan from this institution. I have been advised in the past, by legal counsel, that emails from gmail are more than likely fraud. Beware...


Dec 14, 2022 at 8:15 AM by
"Capital Loaner Commission" Court Notices and Loan Repayment Scams
an anonymous user from: Laurel, London, Kentucky, United States

I myself just received a very similar email. However the one I received was much more aggressive than the sample you provided. I did notice that at the finish of both your sample message and the one I just received, the sender requested, "Reply me back" which I feel is an unusual delivery of request for return information. TY for being there. Your article was quite a relief to find so quickly!


Aug 19, 2022 at 1:26 PM by
"Capital Loaner Commission" Court Notices and Loan Repayment Scams
an anonymous user from: Monmouth, Middletown, New Jersey, United States

New email used 08/19/2022

From: CAPITAL LAW FIRM <centrallawfirm.legalcollection@gmail.com>


Aug 19, 2022 at 1:23 PM by
"Capital Loaner Commission" Court Notices and Loan Repayment Scams
an anonymous user from: Monmouth, Middletown, New Jersey, United States

Just got the EXACT same SCAM notice last week. Asked for documents and proof was told due to certain stipulations when the loan was signed for they do not have to provide.

Needless to say I sent everything to my lawyer to deal with. This is a scam they could not provide any details or contact info for the company the loan was with or even their own company to call someone there.




Feb 15, 2019 at 9:28 AM by
"Capital Loaner Commission" Court Notices and Loan Repayment Scams
an anonymous user from: Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States

Also have received this notice twice.

Of course no phone number or any address.

Was same amount of 1,260. Guess scammers have people to fall for this. They have to by law show you who, when you took this loan out. And prove it. Than you have 30 days to say yes I did take lian out or no I didn't take loan out. But did get my second final notice today. LOL


Jan 30, 2019 at 12:26 PM by
"Capital Loaner Commission" Court Notices and Loan Repayment Scams
an anonymous user from: Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States


"Capital Loaner Commission

January, 30th, 2019





State: MD

Zip: 20706

This is to notify you that TANYA CORBIN is currently in default under its obligations to Capital Loaner Commission, in the amount of $1,260.00.

Our records indicate that payment on your account is overdue in the amount of $1,260.00. We have been asked to review your seriously past due account, this invoice is long past due and your refusal to remit payment is beginning to concern us. Is there some reason that you feel you have no responsibility to pay this debt?

We hereby given (5) five days of our intention to commence County Court action to recover the debt shown below. If we do not receive your payment of this amount within five days from the date of this notice we will issue no further notifications. We will immediately proceed with issuing a summons against the party shown below for the said amount.

Unless payment is received within 5 (Five) days, we will have no option but to existing we also used a credit score developed by us in making our credit decision, you may experience difficulties in obtaining a loan in the future Few lenders report to the traditional credit reporting agencies. Instead, they deal with specialized “subprime” agencies such as Tele Track and DP Bureau.

Therefore, demand is hereby made upon you for full payment of the entire balance due on said note in the amount of $1,260.00, including interest accrued to date if the entire amount due is not received on or before 02/04/2019, I shall instruct legal counsel to commence legal proceedings against you.

Now I want to know that do you want to resolve this matter outside the court house or not,

Reply me back immediately so I can be in a position whether to put hold on your case file or to proceed it inside the court house.

Thank you.


Capital Loaner Commission.


Cc: Debtor's Higher Level

Collection Agency/Legal Counsel"


Jan 8, 2019 at 7:23 PM by
"Capital Loaner Commission" Court Notices and Loan Repayment Scams

Here is another scam:

- Forwarded message -

From: Collection Department <collectiondepartment107@gmail.com>

Date: Tue, Jan 8, 2019, 9:53 AM

Subject: Object : 5-Day notice before collection on delinquent account

Capital Loaner Commission

January, 8th, 2019


S.S.N: 542060714

Address: 2831 SE PALMQUIST RD


State: OR

Zip: 97080

This is to notify you that MATTHEW HAYES is currently in default under its obligations to Capital Loaner Commission, in the amount of $1,260.00.

Our records indicate that payment on your account is overdue in the amount of $1,260.00. We have been asked to review your seriously past due account, this invoice is long past due and your refusal to remit payment is beginning to concern us. Is there some reason that you feel you have no responsibility to pay this debt?

We hereby given (5) five days of our intention to commence County Court action to recover the debt shown below. If we do not receive your payment of this amount within five days from the date of this notice we will issue no further notifications. We will immediately proceed with issuing a summons against the party shown below for the said amount.

Unless payment is received within 5 (Five) days, we will have no option but to existing we also used a credit score developed by us in making our credit decision, you may experience difficulties in obtaining a loan in the future Few lenders report to the traditional credit reporting agencies. Instead, they deal with specialized “subprime” agencies such as Tele Track and DP Bureau.

Therefore, demand is hereby made upon you for full payment of the entire balance due on said note in the amount of $1,260.00, including interest accrued to date if the entire amount due is not received on or before 01/11/2019, I shall instruct legal counsel to commence legal proceedings against you.

Now I want to know that do you want to resolve this matter outside the court house or not,

Reply me back immediately so I can be in a position whether to put hold on your case file or to proceed it inside the court house.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Capital Loaner Commission.


Cc: Debtor's Higher Level

Collection Agency/Legal Counsel


Jan 30, 2019 at 12:25 PM by
"Capital Loaner Commission" Court Notices and Loan Repayment Scams
an anonymous user from: Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States

I just got this too...smh


Jan 4, 2019 at 2:34 PM by
"Capital Loaner Commission" Court Notices and Loan Repayment Scams
an anonymous user from: Tucson, Arizona, United States

They have my social security on the notices. Which kind of freaks me out. I am getting these emailed weekly just received one with case file number/ final demand letter. What can I do about it.


Apr 23, 2019 at 9:59 AM by
"Capital Loaner Commission" Court Notices and Loan Repayment Scams
an anonymous user from: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

they have my bank account number


Jan 4, 2019 at 3:19 PM by
"Capital Loaner Commission" Court Notices and Loan Repayment Scams

Report it the police and share this article with your friends and family to help inform them about this scam.


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"Capital Loaner Commission" Court Notices and Loan Repayment Scams