"Unusual Activity On Your Linkedin Account" Phishing Scam

Unusual Activity On Your Linkedin Account Phishing Scam

The "Unusual Activity On Your Linkedin Account" phishing scam email message below, which claims that recipients' LinkedIn account may have been accessed by unauthorized third party, is a phishing scam sent by cybercriminals. Recipients of the phishing email message are asked to delete it and not follow the instructions in it. The phishing email message steals personal information and Linkedin account credentials (usernames and passwords).

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LinkedIn users are advised not to click on links in e-mail messages to sign into their accounts, they should instead, go directly to LinkedIn's website located at www.linkedin.com, and sign-in from there. And, if they need to update or verify their account information, they will be notified. This will prevent them from clicking on links in phishing email messages sent by cybercriminals that go to fraudulent websites, which steal personal information and Linkedin online account credentials.

Linkedin users who know or think they may have been tricked by the phishing Linkedin e-mail message (see below), are asked to change their Linkedin account passwords immediately before their accounts are hijacked and used fraudulently by cybercriminals.

The "LinkedIn Limited Account Access" Phishing Scam

From: LinkedIn_Securities8@t-online.de

Subject: Unusual Activity On Your Linkedin Account !!!

Attachment: LinkedIn Security Update-698045.pdf 271 KB

LinkedIn Security

LinkedIn: Important Notice!!!

We recently reviewed your account, and suspect that you’re LinkedIn may have been accessed by an unauthorized third party.

We’re providing this notification for your account security, and additional action is required. We have temporarily limited access to sensitive account features. Kindly validate it.


Upon completing the verification process, your account will be protected automatically.

Thanks for choosing LinkedIn®.

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Dec. 13, 2018 at 7:10 PM by
"Unusual Activity On Your Linkedin Account" Phishing Scam
an anonymous user from: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Hello Team

We have received an emails from messages-noreply@linkedin.com and security-noreply@linkedin.com with Subjects "Michael L. sent you an invitation on LinkedIn" and "Debbi, a new email address was added to your account". Please confirm this activity was performed from Linkedin.



Dec. 13, 2018 at 7:17 PM by
"Unusual Activity On Your Linkedin Account" Phishing Scam

Send the email to us along with the email headers.


Nov. 5, 2018 at 1:33 PM by
"Unusual Activity On Your Linkedin Account" Phishing Scam

Here is another scam:

- Mesaj redirecționat -

De la: LinkedIn_Securities-_@t-online.de <LinkedIn_Securities-_@t-online.de>

Către: security-noreply@linkedin.com <security-noreply@linkedin.com>

Trimis: luni, 5 noiembrie 2018, 19:45:00 CET

Subiect: Unusual Activity On Your LinkedIn Account!

Dear Valued Customer,

We notice that your LinkedIn Account may have been compromised by a third party.

Quickly View/Download the PDF LinkedIn Security Update attached to this notice and validate your account.Protection will be automatic.

Security Terms of Use 2018


Nov. 2, 2018 at 12:52 PM by
"Unusual Activity On Your Linkedin Account" Phishing Scam

Here is another scam:

"From: LinkedIn Security <darnell74@msn.com>

Date: October 30, 2018 at 2:19:28 PM CDT

Subject: Your account is at risk!


Dear LinkedIn user,

We noticed an unusual activity on your LinkedIn account during our regular update. This is either you have an unauthorized login from an unfamiliar location or incomplete information.

Kindly use the secure sign in securely with this link to regain instant access or your account will be blocked.

LinkedIn is committed to protect your identity.


The LinkedIn Security Team LinkedIn"


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"Unusual Activity On Your Linkedin Account" Phishing Scam