Recipients of the "Notification of Underage Pornography Content" extortion email below, which claims they have viewed child porn and threatens to expose them if they do not send money or Bitcoins, are asked to delete them and should not send any money or Bitcoin. This is because the email is being sent by cyber criminals who are attempting to frighten and trick their potential victims into sending them money, or in other words, extort money from them.
The cybercriminals may have your old password, but it doesn't mean that they have anything on you. It appears they may have gotten your password from the Yahoo or other internet hacks or data breaches that took place a few months or years ago. Yahoo and the companies who suffered the data breach have forced their users to change their passwords, so they should have nothing to worry about.
The "Notification of Underage Pornography Content" Extortion Emails
From: Marshall Gregory 430@867.593
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 5:58:31 PM
Subject: - Notification of Underage Pornography Content
you recently viewed the child porn on your system, and the site on which you viewed the porn captured your details. So information about your location (IP Address, Mac address), other sensitive information (browser cookies, social media links, browser history) and your social contacts (facebook friends, email contacts) were collected and sent to my server.
All of these details will be automatically forwarded to the concerned police departments including Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Unit, and FBI exactly 24 hours from now on (I have the special tracking pixel in this email which has been activated right after opening of this email). Believe me, all of the information will be enough to put you behind the bars for the years to come.
However, if you send exactly 0.1 BTC (Bitcoins) to the below address in the next 24 hours, then my servers will automatically delete all of your information and you can continue to live your life.
BTC Address: 156WS9dbawc1UfJhc87jSACSTMghNZyAz1
(It is CaSe sensitive. Copy & Paste)
In case, you do not send the bitcoins, then your data will be automatically forwarded to the above mentioned enforcements agencies.
If you do not know about bitcoins, then just use coinbase, or search google on "How to buy bitcoins".
The email claims the recipeitns' MAC address, social media links, browser history, Facebook friends, email contact were collected and sent to the cybercriminals' server. But, this is not possible because javascript, a scripting language for the web, doesn't allow the list of sensitive information mentioned before, to be collected.
From: Carole Frazier <333@829.390>
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 1:41:43 PM
Subject: elninomatt - Notification of Underage Pornography Content
Hey I am from the FBI, and we recently received some sensitive information which proves that at some point in the past you have used your system to access minor pornography content (child porn). I would like to make an offer to you. If you send exactly 0.2 BTC to the below address in the next 24 hours, then I will just get your case erased, nothing will happen to you.
BTC Address: 1Hii5oCu6HP1fJhHBwVdECLh8sYLt8fTjQ
It is CaSe sensitive, so copy & paste the address. If you do not know about bitcoins, then just use coinbase, or search google on "How to buy bitcoins".
In case, you do not send the bitcoins, then the FBI will proceed as usual, and this offer will lapse.
This is a one-time non negotiable offer, do not reply to this email.
It is possible to use Java Applet in older web browsers, which is a small application or plugin used in web browsers, to collect MAC address and maybe browser history, but none of the other listed items. And, all new web browsers do not support Java Applet. So, we know who sent the email is lying.
And, the FBI will never ask you to send them money.