"Tayeb Souami" Lottery Donation Scam

Tayeb Souami Lottery Donation Scam

Online users are asked to be aware of "Tayeb Souami" lottery donation scams. The name of the 47-year-old Powerball Jackpot winner from New Jersey, who won $315.3 million dollars, is being used by scammers in an attempt to trick potential victims into sending money and personal information. The scammers claim their potential victims were randomly selected to receive donations from the lottery winner as part of his charity project. But, Tayeb Souami is not randomly donating money to people around the world.

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A Sample of the "Tayeb Souami" Lottery Donation Scam

From: Tayeb Souami <ty.@grace.ocn.ne.jp>

Date: July 31, 2018 at 6:52:07 AM EDT


Reply-To: Tayeb Souami - tayebsouami@outlook.com


We bring greetings to you in the name of the lord. This message sent to you as a notification that you have been chosen to benefit from our charity project aimed at touching lives and helping those that we can across the world as God has blessed us.

I won the Powerball Jackpot of $315.3 Million on May 19, 2018 and I have voluntarily decided to donate the sum of $98 Million to charity In this project, I try to reach people randomly from different sources and modes so as to touch lives from different angles, Hence you are getting a message here.

You have been listed as one of the lucky recipients to receive $5 Million This donation is made out to you so to enable you to strengthen your issues and mostly to generously help us extend hands of giving to the less privileged, orphans and charity organizations within your locality.

Get back to me on how to receive the donation.


Tayeb Souami

Remember, once they (scammers) have received their potential victims' personal information, they will use the information to trick the potential victims into sending money, which they will claim is for some advance fees, which will cover banking and transfer costs, insurance payments or tax that the potential victims need to pay before they can receive the so-called donated money. But, if the victims send their money, the scammers will steal it and may continue to trick the victims into sending more money, with the promise of receiving the donated money the scammers claim they would receive.

Recipients of the Tayeb Souami lottery donation scam emails are asked not to respond to or follow the instructions in them. They should just delete the email messages instead.

It is important to remember that when someone contacts you, claiming that you have won the lottery or you are the recipient of millions of dollars, and asks you to send money in order to receive your lottery winnings or prizes, it is a SCAM. Legitimate lottery companies will never ask their winners to send money in order to receive their prizes or winnings. And, why would lottery winners who are allegedly donating millions of dollars to you, want you to send a few hundred or thousand dollars for banking and transfer costs, insurance payments or tax? Well, the money that the scammers want the victims to send, which the scammers claim is for taxes, bank transfer cost, insurance or other expenses, is what the scammers will steal. And, the victims, on the other hand, will never receive the winnings, prizes or money that they were promised.

So, once you are asked to send money in order to receive money, it is a scam.

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Jan 20, 2023 at 10:58 PM by
"Tayeb Souami" Lottery Donation Scam
an anonymous user from: Honolulu, Hawaii, United States

There still scamming


Jan 4, 2023 at 1:16 PM by
"Tayeb Souami" Lottery Donation Scam
an anonymous user from: Loudoun, Ashburn, Virginia, United States

As of 1/4/2023 the scam is still going on.

I received a text message saying that I have been selected randomly to receive $100,000 from Tayeb Souam, not even spelling the name correctly.

It also states incorrectly that Tayeb won $351.3 million. After googling his name I have learned that the amount was $315.3 million in a Power Ball lottery drawing.

Don't fall for this! The scammers will swear on their mother's grave, or even go as far as to say they are "good Christians", only to get you to send them from $200 - $500.

Please be vigilant and do diligent before falling for any scam.


Jan 20, 2023 at 11:38 PM by
"Tayeb Souami" Lottery Donation Scam
an anonymous user from: Honolulu, Hawaii, United States

Now they have a lady Doris Wheeler trying to scam you to, she is very persistent


Jan 9, 2022 at 3:27 AM by
"Tayeb Souami" Lottery Donation Scam
an anonymous user from: Tempelhof, Berlin, Berlin, Germany


They write also in other langsames.

I recieved this Mail in durch.

Hallo daar, Ik bevestig de ontvangst van uw e-mail. Mijn naam is Tayeb Souami, ik ben een accountant en geboren in Little Ferry, New Jersey, VS. Ik ben een winnaar van een jackpotwinnaar van $315.300 miljoen in de Powerball ™?-loterij in de VS. Uw e-mail is willekeurig gekozen uit vele andere e-mails uit de Europese e-maildatabase en u bent geselecteerd om €2.500.000,00 te ontvangen. Dat is 100% legitiem. Om te bevestigen, bezoek a.u.b. https://abcnews.go.com/US/lucky-jersey-man-wins-3153-million-powerball-jackpot/story?id=55748114 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YtG6HFQYmY U bent ook heel blij met het ontvangen van €2.500.000,00. Alle reacties moeten worden doorgestuurd naar: tayebsouami@mail.com


Feb 1, 2022 at 8:26 PM by
"Tayeb Souami" Lottery Donation Scam
an anonymous user from: Amersfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands

Ik kreeg dezelfde mail en dit is niet de eerste keer ook een keer van ene prins moest contact opnemen met een geloof ik Zwitserse bank en die begonnen ook dat ik geld moest storten toen wist ik zeker dit is scan

I received the same e-mail and this is not the first time also once from a prince had to contact a Swiss bank I believe and they also started that I had to deposit money then I was sure this is a scam


Feb 1, 2022 at 9:46 PM by
"Tayeb Souami" Lottery Donation Scam

It is a scam.


Feb 16, 2021 at 5:24 AM by
"Tayeb Souami" Lottery Donation Scam
an anonymous user from: District of Columbia, Washington, District of Columbia, United States

Still at it...

Dear Sir/Madam,

I bring greetings to you . This message is sent to you as a notification that you have been chosen to benefit from our charity project aimed at touching lives and helping those that we can across the world as We have been blessed. I won the Powerball Jackpot of $315 Million Dollars for the May 19, 2018 drawing which has $183.2million cash value, therefor I and my family have voluntarily decided to donate the sum of $133 Million Dollars to charity. In this project, we try to reach organisations and people randomly from different sources and modes so as to touch lives from different angles,Hence you are getting a message here.

You have been listed as one of the lucky recipients to receive $1Million Dollars. This donation is made out to you so to enable you strengthen your personal issues and mostly to generously help us extend hands of giving to the less privileged, orphans and charity organizations within your locality.

Should you wish to verify, below are links to that effect.



You are required to forward your particulars to us by using this email

address. ( thesouamifoundation2@gmail.com )

Remain Blessed.

Mr. Tayeb Souami


Jun 12, 2020 at 3:08 AM by
"Tayeb Souami" Lottery Donation Scam
an anonymous user from: Leiderdorp, South Holland, Netherlands

Mr Sean Mitch and a man who said it's Tayeb SouamI wrote me a letter that I get a donation of 950.000 dollar. Had to pay first of all fees to get this donation.

You have to send the money to Turkey to Sebiha Canbolat in Istanbul.

It's terrible and they pressed you all times and give you delay penalties if you don't pay

Look out for these people.


May 9, 2020 at 5:12 AM by
"Tayeb Souami" Lottery Donation Scam

"After doing some online searching I found the story to be true then came across your website. I thought you'd like to know that these scammers are still at it.

From: aimee@khongguan.com.sg <aimee@khongguan.com.sg>

Sent: Saturday, 9 May 2020, 07:23

To: Recipients

Subject: YOU WON!

Hello, I am Tayeb Souami, you have a donation of €1,930.000,00. I won the 315.3 million Powerball lottery on May 19, 2018, I'm donating part of it to ten lucky people and Ten Charity organization. Your email came out victorious. Contact the claims department urgently for claims. Contact tayebsouami11@outlook.com"

Received via email.


Apr 9, 2020 at 1:48 PM by
"Tayeb Souami" Lottery Donation Scam

"Hello, My name is Tayeb Souami, I'm an accountant and I'm from Little Ferry, New Jersey, United States. I am of the dollar jackpot

315 million dollars winner awarded in the USA Powerball. Kindly confirm ownership of your email. It was randomly selected after an electronic computer Spinball draw, to receive a donation. For claims and information.

E-mail: securedworldhelpingfunds@gmail.com"

Received this scam.


Jan 3, 2020 at 7:50 AM by
"Tayeb Souami" Lottery Donation Scam
an anonymous user from: Police, Woj. Zachodniopomorskie, Poland

Here is another scam:


Potwierdzam otrzymanie wiadomoścI e-mail. Nazywam się Tayeb Souami,

jestem księgowym I pochodzę z Little Ferry, New Jersey, Stany

Zjednoczone. Jestem zwycięzcą jackpotu o wartoścI 315,3 miliona

dolarów w loteriI USA Powerball ™. Twój e-mail został losowo

wybrany z europejskiej bazy danych e-mail wśród wielu innych e-maili

I wybrano Cię do otrzymania 1 930 000,00 USD. To w 100% uzasadnione.

Aby potwierdzić, odwiedź:


Masz również szczęście, że jesteś beneficjentem 1 930 000,00


Aby ułatwić wypłatę środków (1 930 000,00 USD) przekazanych

wyłącznie Tobie, wyślij mI poniższe informacje (Poprosiłem o te

krótkie informacje, aby wiedzieć, komu przekazujemy darowiznę. Nie

chcę prosić Cię o dowód tożsamości, ponieważ nie chcę

pozostawić wrażenie, że chcę ukraść twoją tożsamość).


Nazwa beneficjenta:

Numer telefonu:

Adres domowy:



Data urodzenia:


Stan cywilny:

Praca / zawód:

Mam nadzieję, że dobrze wykorzystasz fundusze w swoim stanie /

regionie. Przekazujemy darowizny, aby zmniejszyć poziom ubóstwa w

Twojej okolicy I poprawić standard życia jak największej liczby

osób, ponieważ jest to jedyny cel przekazania CI tych pieniędzy.

Chcemy, abyś upewnił nas, że postępujesz zgodnie z naszymi

instrukcjamI I pomożesz naszej organizacjI spełnić twoje marzenie,

zanim przekażę CI informacje na temat tego, jak otrzymasz te

pieniądze, a jeślI uważasz, że nie możesz sobie z nimI poradzić,

uprzejmie daj mI znać szybko masz tę bliskość I przejdź do

następnego szczęśliwego beneficjenta, aby przekazać pieniądze.

Znajdziesz mój dowód osobisty w załączniku, aby poznać moją

tożsamość I mieć pewność, że masz do czynienia.

JeślI masz jakieś pytania, nie wahaj się zapytać.

Oczekuję wkrótce od ciebie wiadomości.

Niech Bóg cię błogosławI I pozdrawiam.

Pan Tayeb Souami"


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"Tayeb Souami" Lottery Donation Scam