Lexington Law Firm Scam Legal Notices Being Sent by Scammers

Lexington Law Firm Scam Legal Notices Being Sent by Scammers

Online users, if you have received the fake Lexington Law Firm email below, please do not follow the instruction in it. This is because the fake legal email notices are being sent by online scammers pretending to be lawyers from Lexington Law Firm.

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The fake website, lexingtonlaw-firm.com, which the email appears to have been sent from, is not the legitimate Lexington Law Firm website, therefore, all emails from that website should be treated as fakes.

The legitimate website is located:

A Sample of a Fake Fake Lexington Law Firm Legal Notice

From: James Robinson - james.robinson@lexingtonlaw-firm.com

Date: Monday, July 9, 2018

Subject: Final Settlement

You are going to be served with the court papers due to non-payment. If you want to avoid these legal consequences, we merely require you to get back to our manager EDWIN GONZALEZ (edwin.gonzalez@collection-manager.com) with the payment, you can e-mail for further details.

Best Regards.

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June 1, 2021 at 8:20 AM by
Lexington Law Firm Scam Legal Notices Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Burlington, Mt Laurel, New Jersey, United States

I got the same email... bunch of scammers!

Daniel Parker <daniel.parker@lexingtonlaw-firm.com>

Tue 6/1/2021 9:07 AM

Case re-opens due to non payment and also no response from your side. If we don't get a response from your side then we will forward your case file to the Attorney General’s office with the information that you never tried to pay your debt and you are forcing us to take legal steps against you.

Do reply ASAP to our manager (edwin.gonzalez@collection-manager.com) in order to stop the legal consequences against you.

Best Regards.


May 19, 2021 at 2:58 AM by
Lexington Law Firm Scam Legal Notices Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Downtown Redmond, Redmond, Washington, United States

"Case re-opens due to non payment and also no response from your side. If we don't get a response from your side then we will forward your case file to the Attorney General’s office with the information that you never tried to pay your debt and you are forcing us to take legal steps against you.

Do reply ASAP to our manager (edwin.gonzalez@collection-manager.com) in order to stop the legal consequences against you.

Best Regards."

Is this a joke?...

1st - Attorney General doesn't take loan cases unless is over certain amount, they take state and federal cases like a district attorney.

2nd- website, credentials and case number must be presented, also the info of who is suing plus a copy of the contract with signature so the defendant get a lawyer.

3rd- Lexington Law is a credit repair company, not a debt collector


April 29, 2021 at 9:48 AM by
Lexington Law Firm Scam Legal Notices Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Elmhurst, Illinois, United States

Received This Email This Morning :

James Robinson <james.robinson@lexingtonlaw-firm.com>

Thu, Apr 29 at 9:17 AM

Case re-opens due to non payment and also no response from your side. If we don't get a response from your side then we will forward your case file to the Attorney General’s office with the information that you never tried to pay your debt and you are forcing us to take legal steps against you.

Do reply ASAP to our manager (edwin.gonzalez@collection-manager.com) in order to stop the legal consequences against you.

Best Regards.


May 19, 2021 at 3:04 AM by
Lexington Law Firm Scam Legal Notices Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Downtown Redmond, Redmond, Washington, United States

it is a scam, I received the same email, Lexington law is a credit repair company, not a debt collector nor can they threaten you with taking a case that doesn't exist to any court... It's Illegal!


April 6, 2021 at 10:35 PM by
Lexington Law Firm Scam Legal Notices Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: El Paso, Texas, United States

"Important Notification (Lawsuit)

Yvette Cutno

Apr 2 at 8:11 AM

Case re-opens due to non payment and also no response from your side. If we don't get a response from your side then we will forward your case file to the Attorney General’s office with the information that you never tried to pay your debt and you are forcing us to take legal steps against you.

Do reply ASAP to our manager (edwin.gonzalez@collection-manager.com) in order to stop the legal consequences against you.

Best Regards."

I received this scam


August 23, 2020 at 12:49 AM by
Lexington Law Firm Scam Legal Notices Being Sent by Scammers

"From: Ronica Johnson <ronica.johnson@lexingtonlaw-firm.com>

Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020, 03:16:43 PM EDT


After sending you the several Emails, We have not received any response from your side; it seems you are clearly avoiding this legal matter.

This is the final notification from our side to let you know that your case will be filed by next week.

Kindly get back to our manager Edwin Gonzalez(edwin.gonzalez@collection-manager.com) and let us know if you want to settle this case out of court.

Best Regards."

Here is another scam.


July 14, 2020 at 10:46 AM by
Lexington Law Firm Scam Legal Notices Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: San Rafael, California, United States

Received the exact same email, word for word, that a "Brandon Scott" wrote, but my person's name was a Theresa Foster, same email address (lexingtonlaw-firm.com).

Thank you for this site.


April 28, 2020 at 12:24 AM by
Lexington Law Firm Scam Legal Notices Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States

On Apr 1, 2020, at 11:19 AM, Brandon Scott <brandon.scott@lexingtonlaw-firm.com> wrote:

After sending you the several Emails, We have not received any response from your side; it seems you are clearly avoiding this legal matter.

This is the final notification from our side to let you know that your case will be filed by next week.

Kindly get back to our manager Edwin Gonzalez(edwin.gonzalez@collection-manager.com) and let us know if you want to settle this case out of court.

Best Regards.


April 15, 2020 at 2:05 PM by
Lexington Law Firm Scam Legal Notices Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Orlando, Florida, United States


Ronica Johnson <ronica.johnson@lexingtonlaw-firm.com>


Wed, Apr 15 at 8:55 AM

For your security we disabled links in this email. If you believe it is safe to use, mark this message as not spam.

After sending you the several Emails, We have not received any response from your side; it seems you are clearly avoiding this legal matter.

This is the final notification from our side to let you know that your case will be filed by next week.

Kindly get back to our manager Edwin Gonzalez(edwin.gonzalez@collection-manager.com) and let us know if you want to settle this case out of court.

Best Regards.

Edwin Gonzalez <edwin.gonzalez@collection-manager.com>


Wed, Apr 15 at 2:56 PM

Case File Number: # 5786/99

You took the loan of $300.00 from ADVANCE CASH which has now gone up to $910.00. The total pay off balance is $910.00; however, due to bad debt we have a Settlement offer. If you can come up with the settlement amount of $500.00 by April 27th 2020, this loan account will be marked as paid in full and you can avoid the legal consequences.


Best Wishes."

I received this scam.


April 4, 2020 at 9:57 AM by
Lexington Law Firm Scam Legal Notices Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Rochester, New York, United States

Just got this today

After sending you the several Emails, We have not received any response from your side; it seems you are clearly avoiding this legal matter.

This is the final notification from our side to let you know that your case will be filed by next week.

Kindly get back to our manager Edwin Gonzalez(edwin.gonzalez@collection-manager.com) and let us know if you want to settle this case out of court.

Best Regards.

Another scam


December 3, 2019 at 3:25 PM by
Lexington Law Firm Scam Legal Notices Being Sent by Scammers

"From: Brandon Scott <brandon.scott@lexingtonlaw-firm.com>

Date: December 3, 2019 at 6:38:02 AM PST

To: undisclosed-recipients:;


Reply-To: edwin.gonzalez@collection-manager.com

After sending you the several Emails, We have not received any response from your side; it seems you are clearly avoiding this legal matter.

This is the final notification from our side to let you know that your case will be filed by next week.

Kindly get back to our manager Edwin Gonzalez(edwin.gonzalez@collection-manager.com) and let us know if you want to settle this case out of court.

Best Regards."

Here is another scam.


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Lexington Law Firm Scam Legal Notices Being Sent by Scammers