Book Zen at is a fraudulent online bookstore. The website, which claims it lets you read books anywhere, anytime, is similar to other fraudulent ebook websites. Online users who have used their credit cards on the fraudulent website, run the risk of their cards being fraudulently charged for undetermined amounts, even when they have canceled their subscriptions. Therefore, do not even think about contacting their customer support or service, contact your bank instead and dispute the charges with them to get a refund.

Questions? 1-925-856-9729 |
© 2018 All rights reserved. Corexal Media LTD - Charalampou Mouskou, 18, 1st Floor, Flat/Office 103, Nicosia, Strovolous 2014, CyprusQuestions? 1-925-856-9761 |
© 2018 All rights reserved. Requiem LTD - Souliou 11 Vamiko 5, 1st Floor, office/flat 14, 2018 Nicosia, Strovolos, Cyprus
I have tried the website and it keeps charging my credit card, even though I have canceled my subscription before the trial period ended. And, the website doesn't have some movies, books, games, software, and music it has advertised. I think this is another trick used to lure potential victims to the website.
Online users who have already subscribed to services on are asked to contact their credit card company or bank for help to prevent the fraudulent website from fraudulently charging their credit cards, or refund their money if their cards were already charged.