AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change Phishing Scams

AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change Phishing Scams

Cybercriminals are sending out fake "AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change" emails to potential victims, in an attempt to trick them into clicking on malicious links in the same emails. The malicious links go to phishing websites that steal visitors' email or online account credentials, by tricking them into signing in.

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An "AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change" Scam

From: Terms <>

Sent: Thu, 21 Jun 2018 12:12

Subject: Incoming Mails

We have a new unified Terms of Service and Privacy Policy


We emailed you last month to let you know about changes we are making to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. These changes are key steps towards creating what's next for our consumers, like you, while empowering them with transparency and controls over how and when their data is used.

You can learn more about Oath and what these policies mean for you here, as well as more about the changes in our FAQs.

In order to continue to access your AOL Mail account after 7 June 2018, you will need to confirm you accept the Terms of Service. We also need a few moments of your time to explain how we manage your data and provide you with some choices in relation to the processing of that data.

Click here to start.

If you do not want the new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to apply to you, you will no longer be able to access your account from 31 May 2018. If you would like the contents of your email account, you may obtain a copy of your data by clicking here.

Thank you for your time and cooperation.


Privacy Policy

Oath (UK) Limited, Shropshire House, 11-20 Capper Street, London WC1E 6JA, UK, AOL FINAL WARNING

Verizon, AOL and Yahoo users who want to view the Oath's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy change, may view it at the following link, instead of clicking on links in an email message:

And, Verizon, AOL and Yahoo users who have already been tricked by the phishing email are asked to change their passwords before their accounts are hijacked and used fraudulently.

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Dec. 2, 2020 at 7:51 AM by
AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change Phishing Scams

"From: Account Mail Service

Sent: 01 December 2020 23:12

Subject: New Oath Update

Dear Member,

In June of last year, AOL teamed up with Yahoo to become one company, called Oath.

Oath is a leader in digital and mobile media with a global house of brands, and a member of the Verizon family of companies. We have now unified and updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy which govern our relationship with you as an AOL Mail user and as part of the new Oath family.

Due to our new Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy we will be closing all email accounts using our old services. This simply means your email account will be discontinued {Closed} after Dec 3, 2020.

As part of our integration activities and to improve our services to you, if you wish to continue using our email services please accept our new terms to avoid email closure.

You can learn more about our New Terms by clicking here

If you do not wish to have the new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy apply to you, you can choose to cancel your account and stop using our services.

If you have any questions or need additional help, please refer to our Help pages.

Thank you for your continued loyalty and support.

Best regards,


Here is another scam.


Sep. 28, 2020 at 8:24 AM by
AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change Phishing Scams

"From: AOL-Mail UpdateⒸ <>

Sent: 28 September 2020 08:27

Subject: Ⓒ 2020 AOL Update(Terms&Policy)

AOL Official Mail banner image.

Dear Member,

Last July, AOL merged with Yahoo to form a company called Oath.

Oath is a leader in digital and mobile media with a global brand house and a member of the Verizon family of companies.

We have now standardized and updated our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, which govern our relationship with you as an AOL Mail user and as part of the new Oath family.

Due to our new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, we will close all email accounts with our old services. This simply means that your email account will be closed after Oct 02, 2020.

If you would like to continue using our e-mail services as part of our integration activities and to improve our services for you, please accept our new conditions to avoid closing emails.

You can learn more about our new Terms of Use by clicking here

If you do not want the new terms of use and data protection provisions to apply to you, you can terminate your account and stop using our services.

If you have any questions or need additional help, please read our Help pages.

Thank you for your loyalty and support.

Friendly greetings,


Here is another scam.


Jul. 24, 2020 at 10:34 AM by
AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change Phishing Scams

"From: E-mail Administrator <>

Sent: Friday, 24 July 2020, 10:19:25 BST

Subject: ACTION REQUIRED: Yahoo Terms & Privacy Policy Change!

Dear Yahoo User,

We emailed you last month to let you know about changes we are making to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. These changes are key steps towards creating what's next for our consumers, like you, while empowering them with transparency and controls over how and when their data is used.

You can learn more about Oath and what these policies mean for you here, as well as more about the changes in our FAQs.

In order to continue to access you Yahoo Mail account after July 25 2020, you will need to confirm you accept the Terms of Service. We also need a few moments of your time to explain how we manage your data and provide you with some choices in relation to the processing of that data.

Click here to start.

If you do not want the new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to apply to you, you will no longer be able to access your account from July 27 2020. If you would like the contents of your email account, you may obtain a copy of your data by clicking here.

Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Yahoo Team"

Here is another scam.


Jun. 25, 2020 at 2:58 PM by
AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change Phishing Scams



Sent: 18 June 2020 09:16

Subject: Final Update Reminder Mail

We emailed you last month to let you know about changes we are making to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. These changes are key steps towards creating what's next for our consumers, like you, while empowering them with transparency and controls over how and when their data is used.

You can learn more about Oath and what these policies mean for you here, as well as more about the changes in our FAQs.

In order to continue to access your AOL account after June 17-2020, you will need to confirm you accept the Terms of Service. We also need a few moments of your time to explain how we manage your data and provide you with some choices in relation to the processing of that data.

Click here to start.

If you do not want the new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to apply to you, you will no longer be able to access your account from June 18 2020. If you would like the contents of your email account, you may obtain a copy of your data by clicking here.

Thank you for your time and cooperation.



Jan. 4, 2020 at 1:35 AM by
AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: London, England, United Kingdom

Is it possible that the hackers have copied and faked your official mail heading?


Jan. 4, 2020 at 7:31 AM by
AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change Phishing Scams

Yes, the email was spoofed. Although it appears to have been sent from an AOL address, it was not.


Dec. 20, 2019 at 9:00 AM by
AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change Phishing Scams

"From: "AOL (noreply)" <>

Date: 20 December 2019 at 11:39:20 GMT

Subject: We Notice You Haven't Update Your Oath Experience.

Important Information About Your AOL - Email Service


As you've used your email address in the last 90 days, we need to let you know about some changes we're making.

We're closing some of our older email services. That means your AOL email address will stop working after 25th of December 2019 unless you switch to AOL OATH. If you don't, you'll lose your email address as well as the folders and messages associated with it.

Please take some time to switch and agree to the new unified Terms of Service and Privacy Policy by clicking on the button below. .

Switch Here Now

What You Can Look Forward To

Protection against viruses, spam and other online threats

Technical support to help you when you need

Up to 11 email addresses for you and your family

Strong webmail Protection"

Here is another scam.


Dec. 13, 2019 at 12:08 PM by
AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change Phishing Scams

"From: AOL Member Info <>

Date: 13 December 2019 at 17:14:04 GMT

Subject: AOL Customer Support

Reply-To: AOL Member Info <>

Dear Member,

In June of last year, AOL teamed up with Yahoo to become one company, called Oath.

Oath is a leader in digital and mobile media with a global house of brands, and a member of the Verizon family of companies.

We have now unified and updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy which govern our relationship with you as an AOL Mail user and as part of the new Oath family.

Due to our new OathTerms of Service and Privacy Policy we will be closing all email accounts using our old services. This simply means your email account will be discontinued {Closed} after December 15, 2019.

As part of our integration activities and to improve our services to you, if you wish to continue using our email services please accept our new terms to avoid email closure.

You can learn more about our New Terms by clicking here

If you do not wish to have the new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy apply to you, you can choose to cancel your account and stop using our services.

If you have any questions or need additional help, please refer to our Help pages.

Thank you for your continued loyalty and support.

Best regards,


Here is another scam.


Dec. 12, 2019 at 11:25 AM by
AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change Phishing Scams

"From: "Customerservice@AOL.COM ." <>

Date: 12 December 2019 at 08:54:24 GMT


We have a new unified Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Dear Member,

We emailed you last month to let you know about changes we are making to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. These changes are key steps towards creating what's next for our consumers, like you, while empowering them with transparency and controls over how and when their data is used.

You can learn more about Oath and what these policies mean for you here, as well as more about the changes in our FAQs.

In order to continue to access your AOL Mail account after 20 December 2019, you will need to confirm you accept the Terms of Service. We also need a few moments of your time to explain how we manage your data and provide you with some choices in relation to the processing of that data.

Click here to start.

If you do not want the new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to apply to you, you will no longer be able to access your account from 20 December 2019. If you would like the contents of your email account, you may obtain a copy of your data by clicking here.

Thank you for your time and co-operation."

Here is another scam.


Nov. 29, 2019 at 5:38 PM by
AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change Phishing Scams

Here is another scam

-Original Message-

From: AOL Customer Service Oath Team <>

Sent: Fri, 29 Nov 2019 5:43


Dear AOL Member,

Our records shows that your mailbox is outdated due to the update of our system, which has made some incoming emails waiting.

As a precaution, we will restrict access to your Mailbox from 13th, 2019 until you update your Mailbox. To avoid abuse, it will not be possible to send emails from DECEMBER 1st, 2019, as long as access to the Mailbox is limited.

Please update your mailbox to receive new emails.


This could take less than a minute to complete the process.

Include valid details and wait for a response from the customer service team.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.



AOL mail Manager

This message is automatically generated from the email security server and replies sent to this email cannot be delivered.

This email is for users only UPDATE MAILBOX


Nov. 13, 2019 at 7:20 PM by
AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change Phishing Scams

"From: AOL Oath Team (Security) <>

Sent: Tue, Nov 12, 2019 05:11 PM

Subject: We noticed you haven’t upgraded your Oath experience

We have a new unified Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Dear User (Final Warning)

We emailed you last month to let you know about changes we are making to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. These changes are key steps towards creating what's next for our consumers, like you, while empowering them with transparency and controls over how and when their data is used.

You can learn more about Oath and what these policies mean for you here, as well as more about the changes in our FAQs.

In order to continue to access AOL Mail account after 16th November, 2019, you will need to confirm and accept the Terms of Service. We also need a few moments of your time to explain how we manage your data and provide you with some choices in relation to the processing of that data.

Click here to start

If you do not want the new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to apply to you, you will no longer be able to access your account from 16th November, 2019. If you would like the contents of your email account, you may obtain a copy of your data by clicking here.

Thanks you for your time and cooperation."

Here is another scam.


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AOL Oath Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Change Phishing Scams