"Mikhail Fridman Donation" Scam Being Sent by Scammers

Mikhail Fridman Donation Scam Being Sent by Scammers

Online users, be aware of the "Mikhail Fridman Donation" scam like the one below. The scam is being sent by scammers who are attempting to trick their potential victims into sending them money. Mikhail Fridman, Russia's second wealthiest man, said he will donate $14.2bn (£9.8bn, €12.6bn) of his fortune to charity, but would never send emails to random individuals around the world requesting personal information or ask them to send money in order to receive a donation.

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Remember, never send money or personal information if you are asked to do so in order to receive a donation or lottery prize. This is how scammers steal their potential victims' information, and how they steal their victims' money.

The "Mikhail Fridman Donation" Scam

"M. Fridman" <marroyo@ia.unesp.br>


I Mikhail Fridman. has selected you specially as one of my beneficiaries for my Charitable Donation, Just as I have declared on May 23, 2016 to give my fortune as charity.

Mikhail Fridman

Check the link below for confirmation:


Reply as soon as possible with further directives.

Best Regards,

Mikhail Fridman.

Recipients of the same email are asked to delete it and should not follow the instructions in it.

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Sep. 14, 2023 at 5:56 AM by
"Mikhail Fridman Donation" Scam Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan

I recently received email by name of Mikhail Fridman. Should I respond or not


Sep. 14, 2023 at 8:48 AM by
"Mikhail Fridman Donation" Scam Being Sent by Scammers

No, just delete it.


Aug. 25, 2021 at 6:19 PM by
"Mikhail Fridman Donation" Scam Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Libertador, Caracas, Capital District, Venezuela

just got it from a Mail in Mexico, am playing along to see if they crack. So stupid...


May. 9, 2020 at 10:18 AM by
"Mikhail Fridman Donation" Scam Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Woodside, New York, United States

Scammers are using info@web.com now to make it look "more official".Be aware! Do NOT respond.Delete it


"I Mikhail Fridman picked you for a $5,000,000 donation, Reply for more



Mikhail M. Fridman"


Apr. 7, 2020 at 8:56 AM by
"Mikhail Fridman Donation" Scam Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Vigrestad, Rogaland, Norway

Using now mikhailfridman01@yeah.net


Mar. 24, 2020 at 1:16 PM by
"Mikhail Fridman Donation" Scam Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Seattle, Washington, United States

It would be very nice if he had truly sent this to me.

From: "Mr. Mikhail Fridman" <jrueda@faa.mil.ar>

Date: 3/24/20 6:48 AM (GMT-08:00)


Subject: Free Will Offer

I, Mikhail Fridman have selected you specifically as one of my beneficiaries for my Charitable

Donation of $5 Million Dollars,

Check the link below for confirmation:


I await your earliest response for further directives.

Best Regards,

Mikhail Fridman.


Mar. 10, 2020 at 8:09 PM by
"Mikhail Fridman Donation" Scam Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: St Louis, Missouri, United States

I received this email today, and I am posting it as a warning to others.

"Mr. Mikhail Fridman <racosta@fmed.uba.ar>

8:14 AM (11 hours ago)

I, Mikhail Fridman have selected you specifically as one of my beneficiaries for my Charitable Donation of $5 Million Dollars,

Check the link below for confirmation:


I await your earliest response for further directives.

Best Regards,

Mikhail Fridman."


Jan. 29, 2020 at 4:19 PM by
"Mikhail Fridman Donation" Scam Being Sent by Scammers

"LKHADIMI AHMED <elkhadimi@inpt.ac.ma>

Wed 1/29/2020 4:43 PM

I Mikhail Fridman picked you for $5,000,000 donation, for more details reply to maratvch.mfrdmn090778@gmail.com


Mikhail M. Fridman"

Received this scam.


Feb. 29, 2020 at 6:22 PM by
"Mikhail Fridman Donation" Scam Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: El Dokki, Giza, Egypt

"Re:Accept? - - I Mikhail Fridman picked you for $5000000 donation, Reply for more details."

Received this scam.


Jan. 2, 2020 at 4:41 AM by
"Mikhail Fridman Donation" Scam Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom

The person pretending to be Mikhael Fridman got in touch with me via email from MikhailFridmann@hotmail.com.

He offered me different amounts of money in exchange for a fee for opening an account at a bank where the money would be deposited.

Foolishly I transferred the money (950€) and didn't hear back from him or one of the bank employees.

When I followed up after a few weeks I was asked to transfer money again. This time to a different bank.

To cut a long story short. Stay away from this scammer.


Aug. 25, 2021 at 6:21 PM by
"Mikhail Fridman Donation" Scam Being Sent by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Libertador, Caracas, Capital District, Venezuela

Gee, did U actually fall for this? So sorry for your loss...


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"Mikhail Fridman Donation" Scam Being Sent by Scammers