There is no "FIFA World Cup 2018 Coca-Cola Email Promo." Therefore, online users who have received email messages like the one below, which claim that they are winners in the "FIFA World Cup 2018 Coca-Cola Email Promo," should delete the email messages, and should not follow the instructions in them. The fake email messages are being sent by lottery scammers who are attempting to trick potential victims into sending them money or personal information, by claiming they are winners in the "FIFA World Cup 2018 Coca-Cola Email" lottery. But, there is no such lottery.
The "FIFA World Cup 2018 Coca-Cola Email Promo" Lottery Scam
From: IRB BANK <>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018, 9:36:35 AM CDT
Subject: Jeff Morgan International Remittance Department +27784879127
Dear Marty Rebne,
Congratulations to you.
We have received all your details from the FIFA WORLD CUP 2018 COCA-COLA EMAIL PROMO and your winning prize has been approved today 11th June 2018.
Find enclosed the List of Winners, Bank Draft Procedure, your Winning Certificate and Insurance Certificate for your own perusal and future record purposes, I will advise you to send across the money via western union money transfer agent in your area or country, which is the best way to receive the Minimal Priority Courier Fees worldwide, same day you send, same day our receiving accounting officer will pick it up as soon as possible.
Do scan me or send me the sender’s name, sender’s address and MTCN Reference Number for the pickup via my email address.
Furthermore, we are not allow to add or deduct from your Winning Prize because of the Insurance Policy and your bank draft will be dispatch with DHL Courier Services, I will send you the tracking number for easy tracer.
Once again, congratulations to you in advance.
I wait to read from you ASAP.
Yours in service
Jeff Morgan
International Remittance Department
Online users who have already sent their information to the lottery scammers are asked to be careful next time because the same lottery scammers or others will contact them in an attempt to scam them.