"Apple Account Has been Disabled" Phishing Scam

Apple Account Has been Disabled Phishing Scam

The "Apple Your Account Has been Disabled" email message below is a phishing scam. The fake and phishing email message is being sent by cybercriminals to trick Apple users into clicking on the link in it. The link in the email message goes to a fake Apple website that will ask visitors to sign-in. Once visitors attempt to sign into the fake website with their Apple usernames and passwords, the same information will be sent to the cybercriminals behind the phishing scam.

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The "Apple Account Has been Disabled" Phishing Scam

Subject: Reminder [Information] : Account information has been closed.

Your Account Has been Disable

Dear Client,

For your protection, your Apple ID automatically disabled.

We detected unauthorized Login Attempts to your Apple ID from other IP Location.

Please verify your identity today or your account will be disabled due to concers we have for the safety and integrity of the Apple Community.

What To Do Next

To verify your Apple ID , we recommended that you go to link the below:

Click Here

Your account will be permanently disabled if we do not receive any responds from you within 24 hours.

This link will expire in 24 hours after this email was sent.


Apple Support

Apple ID|Support|Privacy Policy

Copyright © 2018 Apple. All rights reserved

Once the cybercriminals have received the stolen Apple usernames and passwords, they will use it to hijack their potential victims’ Apple accounts and use them fraudulently. Therefore, Apple users who have been tricked by the phishing scam are asked to change their Apple accounts' password, check their accounts for discrepancies and contact Apple for help if any is found.

This is another reason why Apple user should never click on links in email or other messages to sign into their accounts, they should instead, go directly to https://appleid.apple.com/ and sign-in from there. If there is something that needs to be done their accounts, they will be notified after signing in.

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Jan. 3, 2020 at 5:50 AM by
"Apple Account Has been Disabled" Phishing Scam

Here is another scam

- Forwarded Message -

From: Apple Notice <n0replyhajapoowertruyajsie87ajskruays9ss8-228171823@kalongangkat-mail.org>

To: "team-apple2020@costumer.com" <team-apple2020@costumer.com>

Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2020, 04:10:59 PM EST

Subject: RE: [Daily Report] [Information Update From Apple] We received information about your account issues, On Januari 2, 2020 [FWD]#MailReport

Dear User,

Your Apple lD Account has been disable for security reasons.

To activate your account, please open an attachment to activate your account.


Apple ID


Oct. 22, 2019 at 10:14 AM by
"Apple Account Has been Disabled" Phishing Scam

Here is another scam:

"From: AppIe Service <kintiljaran-evrxe2-politikus-0222-evrxe2y@hdmovies21.com>

Sent: Monday, October 21, 2019, 08:30:46 AM EDT

Subject: REMINDER : Your Account has been disabled #0222083537.

Your Apple ID has been disabled

For your safety, Your AppIe ID, ( brownleytanya@yahoo.com ) has been automatically disabled. We have prevented an unusual sign attempt on your AppIe account.This may have been because you're signing in from a new location or from different device.Please review the sign in details below.

Your account has been disabled following reason:

October 21 2019 : We chek your account log in with other device.

October 22 2019 : Your account has been disabled until this issue has been resolved, we will wait for 1 week or your account has been disabled permanently.

Please verify your account informations by clicking on the link below.

Verify Account

What to do next : Verify your Apple account and provide the requested information before 1 week. Through the account review, if we don't receive the information before this deadline, your account access may be further disable permanently.

AppIe Support."


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"Apple Account Has been Disabled" Phishing Scam