Squarespace Domain Renewal Scam Email

Squarespace Domain Renewal Scam Email

Squarespace customers who have received fake "Domain Renewal" emails like the one below, which claim an error was generated renewing their connected domain due to incorrect billing, are asked not to click on the links in them. This is because we have noticed that scammers are currently sending out fake Squarespace emails which have links that go to phishing websites that steal online account usernames and passwords.

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Squarespace customers should always go directly to www.squarespace.com and sign into their accounts from there. If there is something that they need to do, they will be notified after signing in.

A "Squarespace Domain Renewal" Scam

From: "samatha" <dffgttrfg@freedom077.com>

Date: 13 May 2018 at 22:51:00 BST

Subject: Information needed

Reply-To: dffgttrfg@freedom077.com


Error Renewing Your Connected Domain Due To Incorrect Billings Provided.


After numerous attempts to process your payment, we were unable to renew your connect domain

This means:

Your features will be canceled

Your domain name will be disconnected from your website

To keep your domains active and prevent service interruptions:

Check that auto-renew is enabled in the Billing panel.

Check that your billing credit card is up to date.

The link in the fake email goes to the following phishing website:

  • hxxp://freedom077.com/

Squarespace customers who have already been scammed are asked to contact Squarespace for help.

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Jul. 3, 2020 at 8:58 PM by
Squarespace Domain Renewal Scam Email

"From: Squarespace <vv12@tr7system.com>

Sent: Friday, July 3, 2020, 06:45:17 PM EDT

Subject: Squarespace Domain Renewal Error



Your Domain is set to Expire

As a friendly reminder, your Squarespace domain is set to expire on

This is a confirmation that your website subscription is set to expire. Your site will be offline soon.

Reactivation options:

If this was a mistake, you can Login your Squarespace account, and you’ll see your content as you last left it. You can also start a new Squarespace website at any time.

What happens next:

Now that your website is set to canceled, here are some important things to note:

– Your content—We’ll keep your content for a while in case you decide to come back. Expired site content is marked for permanent deletion after 30 days.

– Squarespace Domains—If you have a Squarespace Domain and haven’t canceled or moved it, you’ll have a parking page instead of a site.

We’re sorry to see you go. If you have any questions, our award-winning Customer Care Team is available 24/7 at support. squarespace.com."

Here is another scam.


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Squarespace Domain Renewal Scam Email