The scammers called from 855-201-3849, left a message to call Windows Security Department at 855-201-3849 or I will not be able to use my computer. Being a Microsoft Certified System Engineer, I knew I was being scammed, but I played along, just to waste the scammer's time. The clown had me run MSCONFIG, then close it, then from the Run command, entered the fraudulent website
There are 4 links there, each will download a remote control software package; these programs are legit, but the scammer uses them to gain control of your computer.
Remember, your Microsoft Windows does not "expire", therefore, you do not need to "renew" it.
Microsoft Technical Support does not call you, you call them. And, never give a stranger who randomly contacts you remote access to your computer. Be careful and do not be fooled by the technical support scammers.