Is the Website an Untrustworthy Website?

Is the Website an Untrustworthy Website?

There is this website called, its seemingly a news website, but its so ads, little articles. It's creepy. I was checking my spam folder and I keep getting emails from them. They attach very poor quality images saying things like "win a $500 dollar Nike gift card" or "these 4 food will CAUSE A HEART ATTACK!"

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"Hum Gossip" at

Hum Gossip as

Each preview message has a different website or address listed. One is sweepstakesamonth, which I read about on here. I'm guessing a different third party sold my information off to someone, and I haven't clicked on the photos because I know nothing good will come of it.

The problem goes deeper than that website though... one of the descriptions mentions 20 West 22nd Street, which is a 16 story building in New York. One mentions Omegak inc, that website is "now closed" (if a domain was really shut down it wouldn't say what it says when you go to their website) and apparently they only sold one product, Krill oil.

Basically, they're just a 3rd party who sends emails from other companies as advertisements, but whats with the website? Whats with anything? Maybe not all of the ads are necessarily scams but emails from this email they shouldn't be trusted due to them just sending you scams from other people.

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Is the Website an Untrustworthy Website?