"Our Server Security Is Holding Incoming Messages" Phishing Scam

Our Server Security Is Holding Incoming Messages Phishing Scam

The "Our Server Security Is Holding Incoming Messages" email message below, which claims that the recipients' incoming email messages are on hold until their email accounts are validated, is a phishing scam. The fake or phishing email message was NOT sent by the recipients' email account administrator or security team, but by cybercriminals, who are attempting to trick their potential victims into sending them their email account usernames and passwords. Therefore, recipients of the fraudulent email message should delete it and not follow the instructions into it.

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The "Our Server Security Is Holding Incoming Messages" Phishing Scam

Subject: Hi info is holding (5) new unread messages on the server

Date: Fri 4/20/2018 12:34 PM

From: Email Server Admin <secureserver@servers.com>


Our server security is holding (5) incoming messages because your email is not yet validate to our newest server upgrade .

If you wish to keep using our service, kindly upgarde your email by Signing in here .

You will not be able to access your email if Ignored, upgrade takes few seconds .

Thank you,


All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2017 Mail Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Recipients of the fake or phishing email message, who have followed the instructions in it, should change their email account password immediately before it is hijacked and used fraudulently by cybercriminals.

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Aug 28, 2019 at 12:24 PM by
"Our Server Security Is Holding Incoming Messages" Phishing Scam
an anonymous user from: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

"hotmail.com <secureserver@servers.com>

Wed 2019-08-28 9:15 AM

hotmail.com Abnormal login

hotmail.com at 2019-08-28 04:14 was logged in from russia (599.56.120.39) by webmail. If not yourself, please verify @hotmail.com to automatically stop/cancel the operation.

@cPanel hotmail.com"

I got this.


Aug 15, 2019 at 4:40 AM by
"Our Server Security Is Holding Incoming Messages" Phishing Scam
an anonymous user from: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

secureserver@servers.com scammers, same email


Aug 14, 2019 at 3:35 AM by
"Our Server Security Is Holding Incoming Messages" Phishing Scam
an anonymous user from: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Just received mail from secureservier@servers.com

spam mail!

Looks like they have updated to 2019. Admin (C) 2019 Secured Service.


Jul 22, 2019 at 8:21 PM by
"Our Server Security Is Holding Incoming Messages" Phishing Scam
an anonymous user from: Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Got this today from secureserver@servers.com

"X*x@xxxcom.au Account Blocked

This is to inform you to verify your email account, failure to verify will lead to x*x@x*x.com.au closure.

Restore Email Below.

Verify x*x@x*x.com.au"


Jun 19, 2019 at 12:29 PM by
"Our Server Security Is Holding Incoming Messages" Phishing Scam
an anonymous user from: Islamabad, Pakistan

Got one from: secureserver@servers.com


Jan 10, 2019 at 9:51 PM by
"Our Server Security Is Holding Incoming Messages" Phishing Scam
an anonymous user from: Bangkok, Thailand

They are using this email address:



Jun 18, 2019 at 5:31 AM by
"Our Server Security Is Holding Incoming Messages" Phishing Scam
an anonymous user from: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Indeed; and apparently they are working from Georgia, because just before we received a call from 995322050648 asking us for an email address (which is not published nowhere) where to they sent this mail.


Nov 6, 2018 at 5:51 AM by
"Our Server Security Is Holding Incoming Messages" Phishing Scam
an anonymous user from: Auckland, New Zealand

My email marked this as SPAM so I am assumming it is a scam:

"Hello christene,

You have not being able to meet up with the verification task.

Your mailbox (my email address was here, cut it out) needs to be verified.

This may cause your mailbox fault or you may not be able to receive mails.

To continue using your mailbox, you need to upgrade and verify your mailbox. The service is free.

Click here to proceed"


Nov 6, 2018 at 6:06 AM by
"Our Server Security Is Holding Incoming Messages" Phishing Scam

Yes, it is a scam.


May 10, 2018 at 1:24 PM by
"Our Server Security Is Holding Incoming Messages" Phishing Scam

Here is another scam:

"From: outlook.com

Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 4:17 AM

Subject: ✉ outlook.com is holding (6) incoming messages



Our email server security is holding (6) incoming messages because your inbox is not yet

validated to outlook.com ( 2018) new server update .

If you wish to keep using our service, kindly update your email now Update outlook.com .

You will not be able to access your mail if ignored, update takes few seconds .

Kind Regards,

Outlook.Com Team

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2018 outlook.com Mail Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved."


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"Our Server Security Is Holding Incoming Messages" Phishing Scam