"Dropbox Action Required - Reconfirm Your Identity" Phishing Scam

Dropbox Action Required - Reconfirm Your Identity Phishing Scam

Cybercriminals are sending out fake and malicious "Dropbox Action Required - Reconfirm Your Identity" email messages like the one below, which claims a third party IP attempted to access the recipients' Dropbox accounts. The fake email messages then state that the recipients should click on a link within the same email messages to verify and secure their accounts. But, the links go to a fake or phishing Dropbox website, where the recipients will be asked to sign-in with their Dropbox username and password.

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A "Dropbox Action Required - Reconfirm Your Identity" Phishing Scam

Action Required, April 18, 2018


Action Required - Reconfirm Your Identity

Our secure server system have detected a third party IP attempted to access your Dropbox account from from an ip different from your regular ip , due to this, We have sent confirmation to both your old and new e-mail addresses for your protection you may have to reconfirm your identity to avoid Service Suspension

Please proceed to the your security process login to your Account using the secured "Verify Now" button below.

Verify Now

Thank you,

Dropbox Security

Recipients of the fake Dropbox email messages who have already clicked on the link within the same email messages and have entered their usernames and passwords on the fake or phishing Dropbox website should change their passwords immediately before their email accounts are hijacked by the cybercriminals who are responsible for the fake or phishing Dropbox email messages.

And, Dropbox’s website is located at https://www.dropbox.com/, so recipients of Dropbox email messages should ensure that they are not taken other websites. If they are, someone is attempting to trick them into visiting a fake Dropbox website, with the intention of stealing their accounts’ username and password.

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"Dropbox Action Required - Reconfirm Your Identity" Phishing Scam