"2018 Professional Who's Who Network" Scam

2018 Professional Whos Who Network Scam

Scammers and spammers are sending fake and phishing "2018 Professional Who's Who Network" email messages like the one below, which claim the recipients have been nominated to represent their professional community in the Professional Who's Who 2018 Edition. The fake email messages have been created to trick the recipients into sending the scammers their personal information, and subsequently, their money. Also, the links in the email messages may go to spam websites that will attempt to trick visitors into buying fake products or services, and phishing websites that steal online account credentials.

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The "2018 Professional Who's Who Network" Scam

Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2018 18:41:22 +0000

Subject: confirm your nomination into our exclusive network

you have 3 pending contacts at LinkedIn. 75162.


I'm pleased to inform you that you have been considered to be included in the 2018 Professional Who's Who Network. Americas most respected networking and personal branding organization.

On behalf of our Committee we welcome you to the Community.

Status: Please confirm your nomination.

Confirm Your Profile

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Jan. 3, 2020 at 3:37 PM by
"2018 Professional Who's Who Network" Scam
an anonymous user from: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

I am an actual biographee in the actual Marquis Who's Who, specifically the 1997-1998 edition for the South & Southwest, and when I told a friend after being first contacted, he said he had seen some of my work being discussed on a BBS which he knew was often used to select new biographees. I am a forensic genealogist, which means a large part of my work is confirming the accuracy of either what I am told by a client or anything I find while working towards a client's goal. With most of these scams, it does not take much to recognize it as a scam, but today, I received an email that used the Marquis' logo minus the word Marquis, which immediately made me skeptical, so I looked more closely at not just the message itself, but so the coding, and while there was a statement at the bottom of the message about being affiliated with Marquis in what was visible, there was nothing in the coding to substantiate that, so this latest message is a FRAUD.


Aug. 18, 2019 at 10:00 AM by
"2018 Professional Who's Who Network" Scam
an anonymous user from: Texarkana, Texas, United States

I don't know if this organization is a scam or not because I couldn't allow myself to take a chance, but the reviews stating otherwise. I believe that the users (viewers) should take caution steps on what he or she submitted.


Apr. 30, 2019 at 2:50 PM by
"2018 Professional Who's Who Network" Scam
an anonymous user from: Bedminster, New Jersey, United States

I am so glad I looked up this company and found out it was a scam. Thank you for your comments. I almost got scammed!


Oct. 19, 2018 at 2:11 PM by
"2018 Professional Who's Who Network" Scam

Received via email:

"They about got me, but I knew better than giving my CC over the phone.

Here’s the info of the lady that called me.


Ms. Kathy Andrews, Senior Director Professional

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Root User <root@localhost.webair.com>

Date: October 12, 2018 at 7:20:34 PM CDT

Subject: Congratulations, your profile has been submitted

World’s Top Personal

Branding Organization


Thank you and Congratulations on taking the first step in becoming a member! Your application has been received and is currently in review. Please allow 48-72 hours.

As part of our organization you now get access to national discounts and savings programs. Take a look at this weeks offers below.

© 2018 Professionals Who's Who, Inc. All rights reserved."


Sep. 19, 2018 at 9:21 AM by
"2018 Professional Who's Who Network" Scam

Here is another scam:

- Forwarded Message -

From: WhosWhoRegistration <email@enormousfightingvoice.com>

Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2018, 11:14:08 AM EDT

Subject: Congratulations, You've Been Considered for Inclusion...

Can't view this email correctly? Visit Here for more details on this content.

Dear Valued Candidate,

It's my pleasure to inform you that you have been considered for inclusion in the 2018 Professional Who's Who Network. America s most respected networking and personal branding organization.

Professional Who's Who members are among the country's most accomplished men and women in virtually every industry and profession. All members gain access to exclusive networking forums, personal branding tools, national business exposure and so much more...

There is No Cost To Be Included! Click here to learn more>>

Visit the link above to secure your place in our network. Join now and your profile will be highlighted among thousands of nearly 400,000 like-minded professionals across the country.

On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievements and welcome you to the Who's Who Community.

Click to Get Started >>


Marissa Ross

Membership Coordinator

Professional Who’s Who

The above is an advertisement sent by whoswhoregistration.com 626 RXR Plaza Uniondale, NY 11556. If you wish to unsubscribe from all future mailings, please Click Here

© 2018 Professionals Who's Who, Inc. All rights reserved.


Jun. 16, 2018 at 1:17 AM by
"2018 Professional Who's Who Network" Scam
an anonymous user from: McKinleyville, California, United States

I also received this email from

Frances DAgostino <updates@successintheway.com>

links to:



Is xleads.go2cloud.org

-caution flags from Web of Trust, no elaboration


source IP:

-not a "blacklisted" IP...


Jun. 10, 2018 at 8:48 PM by
"2018 Professional Who's Who Network" Scam
an anonymous user from: Fort Pierce, Florida, United States

Got one from "Frances Dagostino Membership Coordinator Professional Who’s Who"

Smelled like a scam; glad I looked on Google. Thank you sooooo much for this post. Now I know for sure.


May. 11, 2018 at 6:00 AM by
"2018 Professional Who's Who Network" Scam
an anonymous user from: Dhaka, Bangladesh

I have also got a mail from Marissa Ross <councillor.department@app.topica.com>:

"Dear Valued Candidate,

It's my pleasure to inform you that you have been nominated for inclusion in the 2018 Professional Who's Who Network. America's most respected networking and personal branding organization.

Professional Who's Who members are among the country's most accomplished men and women in virtually every industry and profession. All members gain access to exclusive networking forums, personal branding tools, national business exposure and so much more...

There is No Cost To Be Included! Click here to learn more>>

Visit the link above to secure your place in our network. Join now and your profile will be highlighted among thousands of nearly 400,000 like-minded professionals across the country.

On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievements and welcome you to the Who's Who Community.

Click to Get Started >>


Marissa Ross

Membership Coordinator

Professional Who's Who"


May. 4, 2018 at 6:04 AM by
"2018 Professional Who's Who Network" Scam
an anonymous user from: Tuscaloosa, Alabama, United States

I took a screenshot and was wondering if I could send it to you for further verification


May. 4, 2018 at 6:16 AM by
"2018 Professional Who's Who Network" Scam

Copy the text and send it to us, or paste it here.


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"2018 Professional Who's Who Network" Scam