"Chase Security Update" Phishing Email Scam

Chase Security Update Phishing Email Scam

The fake email message below, which claims there is a problem with the recipients' Chase online banking account due to multiple login attempts, and for security purposes, the recipients need to update their account information, is a phishing scam. The fake email message was not sent by Chase, but by cyber-criminals. Therefore, recipients of the same email message are asked not to follow the instructions or click on the links within it. The links go to a fake JPMorgan Chase Bank website designed to trick visitors into stealing their Chase usernames and passwords. This is why it is recommended that online users never click on a link in an email message to sign into their online accounts. They should instead, go directly to their online account providers' websites and sign into their accounts from there.

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The "Chase Security Update" Phishing Email Scam

From: "Chase" <Souayani@njms.rutgers.edu>

Date: March 7, 2018 at 12:43:40 PM PST

Subject: Verification

Many of our banking improvements are inspired by customers' requests.

View Online | Email Security Information


Better, because of our customers

Dear Chase Customer,

Thank you for choosing JPMorgan Chase Bank. Unfortunately there's a problem with your online banking account. Our system monitored many login attempts to your banking account. For security purposes please update your account information.


Thank you for being a valued Chase customer. We are better, because of customers like you.


Lisa Banett

Lisa Barrett

Executive Director

Chase Consumer and Community Banking

Every month, thousands of these email messages are sent out by scammers to trick their potential victims into stealing their username, password, financial or personal information. Therefore, online users should never click on a link in an email message to sign into any of their online accounts. They should instead, go directly to www.chase.com in their web browsers and sign into their account from there. If there is a problem with their accounts, they will be notified after signing in.

Online users who were tricked into clicking the link in the fake email message and who have entered their usernames and passwords on the bogus Chase website that they were taken to are asked to change their Chase password and contact Chase bank immediately for help.

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Feb. 7, 2020 at 6:43 PM by
"Chase Security Update" Phishing Email Scam
an anonymous user from: Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States

This just in from a jerk with as low an IQ as his chances of getting me to give him anything but a hard time.

My Reply to screwball: You know your a bigger a**hole than I thought you were, considering yesterday's news was Wells Fargo and today it`s Chase. Well rabbit sh**t for brain now you have Chase chasing you. Hellllloooooo

How about you get a real job cause there's plenty out there.

Still p**ssed but will pray for you

His request: Your Low Balance Alert From Chase


JP Morgan Chase <image@joshbeachpress.com>


Fri, Feb 7, 2020 at 6:18 pm



This is an Alert to help manage your account ending in (...XXXX).

As of 02/07/2020 1:53:43 PM EST, the available account balance was less than the minimum balance of $50.00 in your Alerts settings.

This alert is due to your non-chase transfer to MCU Bank Texas.

If you know about this, you have to do nothing. If you do not know about the transfer, kindly sign on chase.com to review the transfer and protect your personal information.

To see all of the Alerts available to you, please log on Chase.

To reply to this Alert, please send us a secure message from your inbox on Chase Online.


Sep. 10, 2019 at 5:03 PM by
"Chase Security Update" Phishing Email Scam
an anonymous user from: Fremont, Nebraska, United States

Is this an example of the current email scam

Bruce J Howe

Access to your Chase Online account has been temporarily suspended.

This was for a verification purpose to keep your account secured.

To regain access, please click on the button mentioned below and follow the instruction.

Here's what to do next:

Sign in to Chase Online following this link mentioned below.

Once you've signed in with your account, You will be required to enter specific information.

Sign in to Online Chase

This email was sent from an unmonitored mailbox.

You are receiving this email because you have subscribed to American Express.

Privacy Statement

All users of our online services subject to Privacy Statement and agree to be bound by Terms of Service. Please review.


Jun. 28, 2019 at 1:05 PM by
"Chase Security Update" Phishing Email Scam
an anonymous user from: Norwood, Massachusetts, United States

Below is the latest scam email I just received

Bulk Mail > Message Detail




A secure message from Chase


Chase <karl-adloff@t-online.de>

(Add as Preferred Sender)

Date: Fri, Jun 28, 2019 12:52 pm

Chase: Important information regarding your new Chase debit/ATM/Pre-paid card

Dear Customer

As you requested, we've ordered your new debit/ATM/Pre-paid card or you were issued one at a branch.

If you did make this request, you don’t need to do anything.

If you didn't make this request, please immediately at the chase.com/CustomerService click to check now. You can reach us anytime.

Thank you for being a valued customer.


Customer Service Center

E-mail Security Information

E-mail intended for:

If you have concerns about the authenticity of this message, please visit chase.com/CustomerService for options on how to contact us.

About This Message:

This service email gives you updates and information about your Chase relationship.

We sent this email from an unmonitored mailbox. Go to, [www.chase.com/customerservice]chase.com/CustomerService to find the best way to contact us.

Your privacy is important to us. See our online Security Center to learn how to protect your information.

Chase Privacy Operations, PO Box 659752, San Antonio, TX 78265-9752

© 2019 JPMorgan Chase & Co.


Jun. 30, 2018 at 9:05 AM by
"Chase Security Update" Phishing Email Scam

Here is another scam:

"We've sent an important communication to your Secure Message Center, available on Chase Online or on the Chase Mobile app.

The subject is: Changes to your Card Benefits

You can sign in to review this communication in your Secure Message Center until 09/24/2018.

Thank you for being a valued Chase customer.


This message provides updates and information for your Chase account. To reply or contact us, go to Chase.com. Please don't reply to this message.

Chase Privacy Operations, PO Box 659752, San Antonio, Texas 78265-9752. Chase Privacy Notice

Chase Online and Chase Mobile are registered trademarks of JPMorgan Chase & Co.

©2018 JPMorgan Chase & Co."


Apr. 2, 2018 at 2:16 PM by
"Chase Security Update" Phishing Email Scam
an anonymous user from: Newark, New Jersey, United States

Beware, Chase Online Phish

Just received this scam email. The idiot who sent it, mark@optonline.net is not a very smart criminal, he sent it posing as 'Chase Online' but his actual email is embedded . The text below is exactly as "Copy and paste" interpreted it. The actual words can be discerned by removing "FriNFi" where included.

"DeFriNFiar ChaFriNFise cusFriNFitomer:

ChaFriNFise OnliFriNFine Recently CloFriNFised One Of Your AcFriNFicounts Due To

Inactivity and Suspicious Login Attempt. To Reopen The Closed

Account ImmedFriNFiiately Click SiFriNFignin

Sign In



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"Chase Security Update" Phishing Email Scam