"Apple Violations of Privacy and Policy" Phishing Scam

Apple Violations of Privacy and Policy Phishing Scam

Apple customers, be aware of "Apple Violations of Privacy and Policy" phishing scam below. The scam claims that the recipients' Apple account will be disabled is another attempt by cybercriminals to steal their potential victims’ Apple account credentials. The fake email has links in it that go to a phishing Apple website which steals account usernames and password. The phishing website steals account credentials by asking visitors to sign-in with their Apple account usernames and passwords. Now, any attempt to sign into the fake or phishing website will result in the visitors’ Apple account credentials being sent to the cybercriminals responsible for the scam. Once the cyber crooks have gotten possession of the stolen account credentials, they will use it to hijack their victims’ Apple accounts and use the same accounts fraudulently.

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The "Apple Violations of Privacy and Policy" Phishing Scam

Van: Apple Support <noreply-mail-service021383983@console-app-idcustomer.support>

Verzonden: donderdag 8 maart 2018 13:53

Aan: appleid@support.com

Onderwerp: [Notifement] this email violations of privacy and policy

Dear Client,

Your account has violated policy and privacy, we disable your account temporarily, verification of your account or we will disable forever.

Case : ID-6657168

Please open the attachment and following the step so that your account was immediately recovered.


-Apple Support

Apple users should never click on a link in an email message to sign into their accounts. They should instead, go directly to https://appleid.apple.com/ and sign-in from there. If there is something wrong with their accounts, they will be alerted after signing in. Users who were tricked by the phishing scam, are asked to change their Apple account passwords immediately before their accounts are hijacked and used fraudulently. For those users who are unable to change their passwords, are asked to contact Apple Technical Support for help.

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Dec 15, 2018 at 7:28 AM by
"Apple Violations of Privacy and Policy" Phishing Scam

Here is another scam:

"De: Apple Support <vilvjmhfqbcpreqa@limitlles.com>

Enviado: viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018 01:20 p. m.

Para: service@apple.com

Asunto: RE : [Recent Activity] New Statement Information About Violated Policies On 14 December 2018 [ 9275314 ] [ FWD ]"


Dec 10, 2018 at 9:06 AM by
"Apple Violations of Privacy and Policy" Phishing Scam

Here is another scam:

"De: A p p I e iCIoud Secured . <oqwdkjhasdikjwqiodjsafhuiwa fjiowufiuwqriouwquioi@settled-exempt.com>

Enviado: lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2018 08:43 a. m.

Asunto: Re: Importants: Documents other . #5961098029

FaiIed opening your message ( Code : AP_97YKU12HPJLA )

PIease check attached fiIe in this emaiI.

EmaiI lD : APPS-X8923B13PT-491264-42198698172492APPS

Dear Client,

We’ve noticed that some of your account informations appears to be missing or


Due to these Violated Policies, You need to sign and verify it as soon as possible,

you should do this soon because disabled accounts are eventually deleted along

Click Here To Reinstate your Account.

We will disable your account if you do not verify your account in 24 hours.

Apple Support"


Apr 15, 2018 at 3:41 AM by
"Apple Violations of Privacy and Policy" Phishing Scam
an anonymous user from: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

These scammers just tried charging my account:

100023698 MICMUSIK.COM 18887940 $64.45

I will dispute this at my bank.


Mar 28, 2018 at 11:52 AM by
"Apple Violations of Privacy and Policy" Phishing Scam

Here is another scam:

"From: iCloud Support <noreply-mail-sending-apps93702@console-verify-app-6651.com>

Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 9:28 AM

To: secure@appleid.com

Subject: Re: [Notifiment] Your iCloud Has Violated And Policies On March 28,2018

Dear Client,

To reinstate your Apple ID."


Mar 21, 2018 at 4:28 AM by
"Apple Violations of Privacy and Policy" Phishing Scam

Here is another scam:

"De: Apple Support <noreply-mail-sending-service01927989@console-app-service-id.support>

Enviado: lunes, 19 de marzo de 2018 01:51 p. m.

Para: appleid@support.com

Asunto: [Notifiment] this email violations of privacy and policy

Dear Client,

Your account has violated policy and privacy, we disable your account temporarily, verification of your account or we will disable forever.

Case : ID-6657168

Please open the attachment and following the step so that your account was immediately recovered.


-Apple Support

Apple ID

Dear Client,

Your Apple ID Will Be Disabled Because Of Some Violated Policies.

Date And Time : March 19,2018 05.49 UTC

Case ID : ID-6542871

We have noticed that your account information appears to be invalid and unverified.

Your Apple ID will be temporary Disabled until we receive a respond from you, to reinstate your account, You need to sign and verify it as soon as possible, you should do this soon because disabled accounts are eventually deleted along emails,iCloud,and other data stored with Apple.

Please Click the link Below:


Apple Support

Apple ID Support Privacy Policy

Copyright @ 2018 Apple Distribution International, All rights reserved."


Mar 20, 2018 at 12:24 AM by
"Apple Violations of Privacy and Policy" Phishing Scam

Here is another scam:

"From: Apple Support <noreply-sending-mail-service04@console-app-service-id.com>

Date: March 19, 2018 at 8:42:56 AM PDT

To: "appleid@support.com" <appleid@support.com>

Subject: [Notifiment] this email violations of privacy and policy

Dear Client,

Your account has violated policy and privacy, we disable your account temporarily, verification of your account or we will disable forever.

Case : ID-6657168

Please open the attachment and following the step so that your account was immediately recovered.


-Apple Support"


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"Apple Violations of Privacy and Policy" Phishing Scam