Do Not Call 662-608-3023 - it is Being Used by Scammers

Do Not Call 662-608-3023 - it is Being Used by Scammers

Do not call telephone number 662-608-3023 because it is being used by scammers to trick potential victims into believing they are winners in some so-called Facebook lottery or promo. But, Facebook does not do lotteries, therefore, Facebook users who are told they are winners in a Facebook lottery because someone saw their names on winning list, should block and report the person who sent the message to Facebook.

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Here are Some Fake Facebook Lottery Messages

  • "I actually want to tell you that i just receive $100,000.00 cheque from Facebook affiliated with Powerball / megamillion and the cash was delivered to me here at my home and address but when i was signing for my cash your name appear next to my name and i asked the agent he said you need to claim it yourself... You need to email them now and claim it tell them you want to check your name on the winning list ... here is the email megamillionsandfacebook or edmundbrown, or brown.edmund53 or text them you want to check your name 1-317-721-6597 or call 44-702-409-6853"
  • "Hello,how are you? I actually want to ask you something, did you hear about the Facebook Anniversary Promo in collaboration Powerball Lottery? I got $50,000.00 winning check from them. They gave me the money for a Deaf/Hearing support and its apart of measure and to compensate the few people that was selected from Facebook Random selection program on this website from the listed countries:Canada,Australia,United States, United Kingdom, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Oceania and have already gotten my check, But when they brought my check i saw your name on the winning list when am about to sign and that why am letting you known now before it will be late., I wonder if you get your check yet because I asked and they told me they will deliver the check to you too because you re amoung the list of winners too. So that why am emailing you to let you know, did you get your own yet? if not you have to contact the Agent Mark Thomas on ( / ) or Text on +17073568339,"
  • "OMG! I saw your name on the winner's list when the Ups came down to my door step delivering my winning money to me. Anyway, I think you should contact the Agent in charge to claim your own money as well. Do you know how to do that?"
  • "Hello, how are you doing? I am very happy right now,I want to know if you are happy too because I got $200,000.00 delivered to me yesterday from the Powerball Commission and I saw your name on the list and the lady told me you won too. If you have not gotten the money,e-mail the lady on powerballagentp to claim your money."
  • "I'm so happy, how are you? did you hear about the Facebook Anniversary Promo in Collaboration Powerball Lottery? because i received $50,000 from Powerball and Facebook Organization and I wonder if you gotten your cheque too ?because I saw your name on the Facebook list of unclaimed funds and I ask the courier service that brought my cheque to my front door but he said they can not locate your address so that’s why am sending you this message to get you informed on how to claim your winning cheque too . before it close Agent Mark Thomas email and number.... ( or Text on 503) 741 8310, So you can also receive your payment check."
  • "Today I saw your name on the Facebook list of unclaimed funds and I ask the courier service that brought my cash to my front door but he said they can not locate your address so that’s why am sending you this message to get you informed on how to claim your winning cash too, you can contact Agent Wayne Adkins on { Powerballagentwayne // Powerballcompanyagentwayne }, or you can send them A Text 1 (402)-313-8145 so you can also receive your Winning prize check"
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Do Not Call 662-608-3023 - it is Being Used by Scammers