"Federal Law Department Pay Day Loan Legal Notice" Scam

Federal Law Department Pay Day Loan Legal Notice Scam

The "Federal Law Department Pay Day Loan Legal Notice" email message below, which claims that legal proceedings and debt collection procedures will be taken against the recipients for a specified amount of money, is a scam. The fake email message was sent by scammers to trick the recipients into sending them money by threatening legal actions against them. Therefore, recipients of the fake email message should delete it and not follow the instructions in it.

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Remember, the United States government will never send warrants or legal notices via email messages. They would be served in person by a U.S. Marshal or other law enforcement officer. Anyone receiving a fake arrest warrant should contact the FBI or the district U.S. Marshals Office. If there is any question regarding the authenticity of a warrant, contact your district clerk of court.

It is important that the public take precautions when asked to send money via money transfer services like Western Union and MoneyGram, or Prepaid Debit Card to pay legal services or the government. This is because scammers use those untraceable money transfer services to collect money from their victims. Money sent via those services are not refundable, once the scammers have collected or used it.

The "Federal Law Department Pay Day Loan Legal Notice" Scam

From: Rick Martin [mailto:lawyer.rickmartin@gmail.com]

Sent: Monday, March 05, 2018 10:55 AM

Subject: [EXT] Legal Notice


This is FEDERAL LAW DEPARTMENT. There is a case been filed against you regarding your outstanding pay day loan $1227.50 where principal amount was $500.00

We have prepared civil suit against you with pressing legal charges and they are;

1. Violation of Federal Banking Regulations Act

2. Collateral Check fraud

3. Theft by Deception

Case will register in the court house in next 48 hours regarding your outstanding pay day loan. our paralegals officer and your local sheriff officer will contact you with warrant of arrest and documentation. They may visit your work place in case you are not available at home.

NOTE- If you have any intention to resolve this case you may contact us back by email-


Otherwise after 24 hours, our paralegals officer and one sheriff officer will contact you with warrant of arrest.

Senior Attorney

Rick Martin

TEXT (208)-820-0334


Last Warning Letter

Case No.GJ282311

This is a last and final notice from Federal Law Department of United States of America.

We received a lawsuit filed against your name as well as your social security number under section 9 chapter 19.

We are going to inform you that we are going to transfer this case file to three major credit bureaus, department of social security and to your current place of employment.

Now the federal law offices are pursuing you under the jurisdiction regarding three serious allegations.

Count (1) Collateral check fraud

(2) Theft by deception

(3) Violation of federal banking regulation

Where in the affidavit states that you were monitored online using your e-mail address in order to solicit funds from the website, that is owned and operated by “Cash Advance USA” the company which owns and operates on more than 350 online Cash websites and internet web portals. Where in the funds were successfully online routed utilizing an interstate EFT that stands for an electronic funds transfer. When my client that's your creditor attempted to extract the funds back as

a repayment by sending you six e-mail notifications six EFT's were being returned constituting worthless electronic checks.

As of now rather than chasing you for money, they have simply decided t o write this money as loss, deemed to be stolen as well as press charges against you under the jurisdiction . Now the legal case is filed against your name is under section 9 chapter 19 which just means 1 thing for you...

Federal Law Department: - (208)-820-0334

Last Warning Letter

If you have any prior convictions including but not limited to worthless cheque, grand theft or money laundering, then please beaware that they shall handle your case as that of a habitual offense, as your state is a strictly zero tolerance state.

It is also to inform you that my client that's your creditor has all the rights and legal authorities to inform your current employer, department of social security and three major credit bureaus, by faxing them the official copy of the court subpoena along with an issued warrant for your name, which would be resulting into termination from the full-time employment, jeopardizing your credit report for next upcoming 5years and any social security benefits will be placed on hold or will be stopped till the outcome of the case.

Final thing, that you do have a right to hire an attorney if you don't have one or you cannot afford one than one might be appointed to you, but please make sure that you don't lose the case in the court, if you do lose this case in the court then the legal charges will be levied upon you that will $8987 this will be excluding your bail charges, your attorney charges and the outstanding and principal amount you owe to the client, this roughly comes around less than $17000 to $18000.

Also this copy of the subpoena will be forwarded to your Human resources or the legal representative of your firm, where in they have to appear in the court while the case is on, that could lead to your termination from the full time employment and by forwarding the subpoena to social security any child support, disability, Unemployment or retirement benefits will be either placed on hold or Will be stopped until the outcome of the case.

According to state bar association your trial attorney or criminal attorney's cost will be nothing less than $500 to $700 an hour. Also the court fee charges, legal affidavit cost, bail charges and the outstanding amount, which roughly comes around $17000 to $18000 which you will have to bare if you will resolve this in the court.

So make sure that you don't lose the case.

Federal Law Department: - (208)-820-0334

Last Warning Letter

If this case is forwarded to the court house then if you have done any of the f ollowing things that will also affect this case, 1) If you ever been charged before for any fraud or scams.

2) If you ever been picked up before for any criminal allegations.

3) If you party to law suit

4) That means if you have any judgment that has come against you in past or you have any pending judgment which is about to come from the court house.

5) If you ever filed bankruptcy under chapter 7 or 13.

Now the situation is very serious so if you seriously are not aware about this case and if you seriously want to resolve this matter outside of the court and if you don’t want to face the legal consequences so call us back as soon as possible in our department if we didn’t hear Anything from you in next 12 hours then we are sorry to say you that we Are going to download your case file in your local county court house.

Federal Law Department

Restitution Head: JOHN BOWE

Federal Law Department: - (208)-820-0334

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Sep. 26, 2018 at 4:47 PM by
"Federal Law Department Pay Day Loan Legal Notice" Scam
an anonymous user from: Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, United States

just received a email from this person!

exact email that is posted here.

not going to delete it handing it over to a private investigater!


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"Federal Law Department Pay Day Loan Legal Notice" Scam