"America Online Lottery Company Inc" Lotto Scams

America Online Lottery Company Inc Lotto Scams

The "America Online Lottery Company Inc" lotto email below is a scam, therefore, recipients of the same email which claims that they are winners in such a lottery are asked to delete the message, and should not follow the instructions in it. This is because the message is a fake and are being sent by lottery scammers to trick their potential victims into sending them personal information and money, by claiming they need to do in order to collect their so-called lottery prize.

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A Sample of the "America Online Lottery Company Inc" Lotto Scam

From: "America Online Lottery Company Inc." <admin@selecmar.transnet.cu>

Subject: Re: Your Email has won in America Online Lottery (AOL) (c) 2018 !!

Date: March 30, 2018, 07:22:47 GMT-6

Reply to: <rev_fatherjonathan@priest.com>

Note: If you have received this message in your spam / bulk folder, that is, due to the restrictions implemented by your Internet service provider, we (AOL) urge you to treat it in a genuine way. From the online company of America.

Address: 80 Hammer Smith Road, London, W14 8UD United Kingdom England.

Dear lucky winner,

The Online America Foundation, was established in 1983 by the United States multi-million groups, and now supported now by the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU). And the organizations of agriculture and food (FAO). To celebrate the 32-year anniversary program, the Internet Fund of America London, along with several national companies and other relevant authorities in given out a donation of $ 1,000,000.00 USD each to eight lucky recipients.

You were selected among the lucky recipients to receive the sum of $ 1,000,000.00 prizes as charitable donations / help from the AOL company. The companies and sponsors that are sponsoring this award are the following. Dell computer company. Toyota company. Heineken company. Coca-Cola Company.

Bellsouth technology. Private individual sponsors

1) Bill Gate of (United States of America).

2) Roman Abramovich of (Russian Federation).

3) His Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of (United Kingdom England).

4) Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).

5) Warren Buffett of (United States of America).

This online raffle was conducted by a random selection of email addresses from an exclusive list of 129,031 email addresses of individuals and corporate bodies chosen by an automated advanced random computer search from the Internet.

However, tickets were not sold but all email addresses were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation and privacy. For more information on how to claim your prize, contact Reverend Father Jonathan of AOL for more details.

Contact person: Reverend Father Jonathan.

Regional claims agent. RCA) City / country: New York, United States

Tel: + 1724-705-6391

Contact email: rev_fatherjonathan@priest.com

You are required to send your agent with the following information:

Full name of the beneficiary:

Beneficiary address:

Beneficiary's country

Occupation of the beneficiary

Telephone of the beneficiary:

Age of the beneficiary:

Beneficiary's sex:

Lot number: AOL. 917701116000 Winning number: AOL1229 / USLP Ref Number: laa AOL991327820

Note: Keep your winning information very confidential until your earned money is transferred to you. This is to avoid the double demand of prize.

Signed. CEO: Tim Armstrong AOL Team Headquarters: New York City, NY, United States of America. This message is brought to you by the American online Foundation © 2018.

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May. 31, 2019 at 12:51 PM by
"America Online Lottery Company Inc" Lotto Scams

Received this scam:

"From: Regional Claims <ykoneh@gmail.com>

Date: May 31, 2019 at 4:06:48 AM MST

To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Subject: American Online Lottery (AOL)

Reply-To: tim_regionalclaimsdept@yahoo.co.jp

Dear American Online Lottery lucky winner,

American Online Lottery (AOL) is pleased to inform you that your electronic email address has won the sum of One Hundred United State Dollars ($100,000.00 USD) in this 2019 batch Award.

American Online Lottery (AOL) is also using this opportunity to say thank you for using the internet daily and more.

This American Online Lottery (AOL) draws was conducted by a random selection of email addresses from Facebook list of 129,031 E-mail addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked by Tim Armstrong (AOL CEO).

However, no tickets were sold but all email addresses were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation and privacy.

Sequel to the last meeting of the American Online Lottery (AOL) board of directors, all winners will be paid according to the Mode of Payment preferred by our paying bank.

To achieve this aim, you have to send the following information below to the American Online Lottery (AOL) Claims Agent assigned for winners in Africa Mr. Yayi Koneh by email and also call him for guidelines.

Beneficiary's Full Name:

Beneficiary's Country:.

Beneficiary's Phone:.

Beneficiary's Occupation:.

Beneficiary's Acc. Info:.

Beneficiary's Age:.

Beneficiary's Copy Of Identification:

Your winning verification number: AOL009US/AWP-LAX1182/018

Contact Person: Mr. Yayi Koneh

African Claims Agent. (ACA)

City / Country: Yamoussoukro, Cote D' Ivoire

Contact E-mail: regionalclaims@realtyagent.com

Tel: 225 421 526 85

Note : Keep your winning information very confidential until you have received your prize.


CEO: Tim Armstrong.

NOTE: If you received this message in your SPAM/BULK folder, that is because of the restrictions implemented by your Internet Service Provider, we (AOL) urge you to treat it genuinely. This message is brought to you by the American Online Foundation 2019 Copyright."


Aug. 2, 2018 at 4:24 AM by
"America Online Lottery Company Inc" Lotto Scams

Here is another scam:

"From: American Online Lottery (AOL) [mailto:fx.50x@aol.jp]

Sent: Monday, July 23, 2018 11:45 AM

Subject: You have won $5,000,000.00USD

You have won $5,000,000.00USD


Your E-MAIL ACCOUNT has won the sum of $5,000,000.00 USD (Five Million United States Dollars)

in the on-going AMERICAN ONLINE LOTTERY (AOL) award promo.

Your Ticket number is 00545-188-564756.

Note that, all beneficiaries of these award fund were selected through a computer random integrated

system drawn in 27 million E-mail addresses via the internet and the lucky winners did not purchase

any ticket to participate in this lottery program. Forward your full details as listed below, to our

Chief Financial Officer for processing and payment of your winning.


2) AGE:

3) S*X:



6) Telephone number:

And your winning ticket number: (00545-188-564756)

Kindly forward the above details to:

Contact Person: Mr. Wilb M. Sandberg

= Chief Financial Officer

1* E-mail: wilb.sandberg@aol.com

Your e-mail won our Jackpot, congratulation once more.

Yours in service,

Mr. Marc Andreessen

AOL Claim Facilitator."


Apr. 2, 2018 at 3:49 PM by
"America Online Lottery Company Inc" Lotto Scams

Here is another scam:

"From: lnquiries <y-kato@ntu.ac.jp>

Date: April 2, 2018 at 4:18:20 AM MDT

To: <INQUIRIES@usalott.org>

Subject: Result

Reply-To: <inquiries@usalott.org>

World Lottery Association: America Lottery 2018

On behalf of World Lottery Association, You have been awarded by

America Lottery 2018 the star prize US $1,500,000

For claim processing email us with your




With Regards

Project Coordinator"


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"America Online Lottery Company Inc" Lotto Scams