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"Square, Inc Refund" Phishing Scams Being Sent by Online Scammers

Square, Inc users are asked to be on the lookout for phishing email receipt confirmations like the one below, which claim that a refund request has been processed for their customers. The fake emails trick potential victims into visiting a phishing website that will steal their Square or SquareUp account credentials (username and password) by asking them to click on a link to view the refund transaction.


This is why it is not recommended to click on links in emails to sign into online accounts. The recommended thing to do is to go directly to and sign-in from there instead.

A Sample of a "Square, Inc Refund" Phishing Scam

Subject: Square has refunded your customer



The $519.00 refund you requested has been processed and should be reflected on your customer's statement in two to seven business days. Please note that business days do not include weekends or bank holidays.

If you sent a receipt to your customer, you can send them a refund receipt at any time from your in-app activity or Square Dashboard:

From in-app Activity:

1. Tap Activity.

2. Locate and tap the payment New Receipt.

From Square Dashboard:

1. Visit Transactions.

2. Use the date selector tool to locate a specific payment.

3. Click on the payment Send Receipt.



The Square Team

Square customers or users who have already been tricked by the phishing scam are asked to change their passwords and contact Square immediately for help.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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