"Capital One Your AutoPay Payment is Schedule" Phishing Email Scams

Capital One Your AutoPay Payment is Schedule Phishing Email Scams

Capital One customers, the email below with the subject "Capital One Your AutoPay Payment is Schedule" is a phishing scam. Therefore, Capital One customers who have received email or SMS text messages like the same email, which claim that their credit card payment is due, should delete the messages. This is because the messages are being sent by cybercriminals to trick potential victims into clicking on the links in them, which go to phishing websites that steal online account credentials.

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A Sample of the "Capital One Your AutoPay Payment is Schedule" Phishing Scam

Subject: Your AutoPay payment is schedule for MARCH 29, 2018

Date: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 7:22 PM

From: Capitalone Update <kirstent@mail.dbu.edu>

About your account ending in xxx

Dear Customer,

Your scheduled automatic payment is coming up on MARCH 29, 2018. Just a reminder, you chose the fixed amount payment option.

If you want to change this payment, or update your AutoPay options, just sign in to your account.


And keep in mind

• We’ll withdraw the funds from your bank account on the due date, even if you make other payments.

• No withdrawal will be made if you have a $0 balance on your card when the automatic payment begins processing (usually a day or two before your due date).

• If you’re enrolled in a fixed amount AutoPay option that’s less than your minimum amount due, you’ll need to make an additional payment for the remaining amount due.

If you’d like to adjust this payment, just sign in to your account and update your payment preferences. You can manage your AutoPay options in AutoPay preferences.

Thanks for choosing Capital One®

Capital One customers who have received messages claiming that they need to do some activity on their accounts, such always go directly to https://www.capitalone.com/ and sign into their accounts. Once they have signed in, they will be notified of security updates, notifications and other important notifications. So, there is no need to click on a link in an email message, which may go to phishing or malicious website.

Also, Capital One customers who have already been tricked by the phishing messages, are asked to change their passwords and contact Capital One immediately, before their accounts are hijacked and used fraudulently by cybercriminals.

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"Capital One Your AutoPay Payment is Schedule" Phishing Email Scams