The website is a malicious and fraudulent website being operated by cybercriminals, therefore, online users are asked to visit it. The website is currently being used by cybercriminals to send fake emails like the one below to potential victims, and ask them to click on a link in the same email to view a PDF letter on Microsoft One Drive. But, the link actually goes to the malicious website where it will attempt to trick visitors into downloading malware or visiting phishing websites that steal account credentials.
The Malicious Email Being Used by Cybercriminals
My Wife and i are impressed and looking forward to meeting. We would hope we can make arrangement for the last week in March say from the 26th -28th (We fly back on the 29th) we have had our attorney involved, and have been able to put together a letter of intent and put a copy of my passport there for you.I do believe you are familiar with the cloud sharing folder "One Drive"
Letter of Intent_Introduction Letter_2018-03-21_pdf Can you advise on when we can schedule for inspection, and a physical meeting to make the necessary arrangement to have moved over to the UAE.
Online uses who have been tricked by the malicious website are asked to change their online account passwords before their accounts are hijacked and used fraudulently and scan their computers for viruses or malware.