"Samsung Galaxy S9 Car Advertisement" Auto Car Wrapping Scam

Samsung Galaxy S9 Car Advertisement Auto Car Wrapping Scam

The "Samsung Galaxy S9 Car Advertisement" auto car wrap or autowrapping advertising below is a scam. The scam claims that vehicle owners with a driver's license can be paid $500 or more weekly via check (cheque) to have their vehicle wrapped with an advertisement. The scammers behind this fraudulent scheme or scam will send you fake checks, ask you to take your share of the money and wire the rest to a graphic designer. But, the checks are fakes and will bounce. The wired money will actually go to the scammers behind this fraudulent scheme. You will then be left to pay back the bank the wired amount and other charges associated with the processing of the check. Whenever you receive offers that are too good to be true, please do your research before participating, even if the offers seem legitimate.

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Recipients of the following "Paid To Drive Concept By Samsung" email message or something similar are asked to delete it and should not follow the instructions in it.

The "Samsung Galaxy S9 Car Advertisement" Auto Car Wrapping Scam

From: angeliaht8@gmail.com

Sent: 2018-02-27 10:27:26 AM

Subject: Samsung Galaxy S9 Car Advertisment - $600 Weekly

Hello, great news and oppourtunity be the first to take part in the Samsung Galaxy S9 advertisment . It's quite simple allow Samsung to place a small advert on your vehicle and you will be rewarded with $600 each week for up to 26 Weeks(6 Months). For more details if interested visit http://bit.ly/Samsungalaxy9

Kind Regards !

HR, Samsung 2018 inc.

This scam is similar to the following:

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Apr. 30, 2019 at 3:21 PM by
"Samsung Galaxy S9 Car Advertisement" Auto Car Wrapping Scam
an anonymous user from: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

I received a check of a little over $3500, I deposited just for kicks and now I am waiting. It was not fedex'd to me, just a regular envelope from a private shipping company. I will update here how it goes


Apr. 30, 2019 at 4:26 PM by
"Samsung Galaxy S9 Car Advertisement" Auto Car Wrapping Scam

You should have not deposited the check because your bank may charge you a fee for the processing of the check.


Mar. 14, 2019 at 12:03 PM by
"Samsung Galaxy S9 Car Advertisement" Auto Car Wrapping Scam
an anonymous user from: Naples, Florida, United States

I just got my fed x package and check from them last night...who/whom should I report this to? I think they advertised on FB...


Mar. 28, 2018 at 2:28 AM by
"Samsung Galaxy S9 Car Advertisement" Auto Car Wrapping Scam

Here is another scam:

"From: schmidtxsj@gmail.com

Sent: 2018-03-16 2:10:03 PM

Subject: Advertisement campaign!


Will you allow SAMSUNG install a small sticker on your Car or Truck for New SamsungGalaxy 9/ and stand a chance to win a Samsung phone. You will receive $500 weekly while program last Six months, if interested in the offer for more info visit hxxp://bit.ly/2o8bK6r

Warm Regards!

HR, Samsung Ads"


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"Samsung Galaxy S9 Car Advertisement" Auto Car Wrapping Scam