"Microsoft Mailbox Storage Full" Phishing Scams

Microsoft Mailbox Storage Full Phishing Scams

The "Microsoft Mailbox Storage Full" email message below, which claims that the recipients' Microsoft mailbox storage is full and they should click on a link to increase or add additional storage, is a phishing scam. The fake email message was created and sent by cyber-criminals to steal the recipients’ email account username and password. Once cyber-criminals have gotten their victims’ email account credentials, they will hijack their accounts and use them fraudulently. So, recipients of the fake email message and others like it should delete them and never attempt to click on the links or follow the instructions in them.

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Recipients of the same message who have already followed the instructions in it should change their email account's password immediately before their accounts are hijacked and used fraudulently.

The "Microsoft Mailbox Storage Full" Phishing Scam

From: Microsoft account team [account-storage-noreply1@microsoftstore.com]

Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 12:39 PM

Subject: Re: Storage Full

Microsoft account

Mailbox Storage Full

We sent this message to notify you that your mailbox storage is full

95% Used

Starting from today 3/14/2018 your messages would fail to deliver until you visit below to increase your storage!



Microsoft account team

One Microsoft Way.

Redmond, WA 98052, USA.

The link in the fake email message goes to a fake Microsoft Outlook, Hotmail or Live website. On the fake website, visitors will be asked to sign-in, if they attempt to do so, their email usernames and passwords will be sent to the cybercriminals responsible for the phishing email message. Once the cybercriminals have gotten their potential victims Microsoft account credentials, they will gain access to their accounts, hijack the accounts by changing passwords, and use the accounts fraudulently.

Remember, always go directly to your Microsoft mailbox by going to www.hotmail.com, www.outlook.com or, www.live.com verify if your mailbox is full, instead of clicking on a link in an email message. And, for those users whose accounts have already been hijacked, they can click here for help recovering their accounts.

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Jun. 20, 2018 at 9:14 AM by
"Microsoft Mailbox Storage Full" Phishing Scams

Here is another scam:

- Original Message -

From: Admin notification

Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 11:34 AM

Subject: Warning: Your Mailbox is full upgrade now!

Your MailBox Storage is full

Dear User,

You have 5 New Pending mails.

Your Mail Verison is currently being discontinued from receiving incoming mails and will be disabled.

To retrieve messages and continue usage of your mailbox, upgrade by cleaning up file or get more storage.

Clean up files

Get more storage

Thanks for using,



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"Microsoft Mailbox Storage Full" Phishing Scams