Do not call 202-241-2115 because it is being used by online scammers. The scammers send out fake text or email messages like the one below instructing their potential victims to call the same number and then pretend to be representatives from a debt collecting agency. If the recipients call the number, the scammers will ask them to make payment to stop a fake lawsuit against them. Therefore, recipients of fake emails with instructions to call 202-241-2115 are asked not to do so.
A Fake Email Sent to Call 202-241-2115
From: steve parks []
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 5:37 AM
Subject: Final Court Notice
This is to inform you that there is a lawsuit has been filed against your name & your case number is WA-31188, This matter is going to download to local civil court house within next 3 days , so make sure & hired an attorney for you & be present in to your local civil court house , we will shortly send you the notice at your door step & then you will be contacted by your local authorities for further legal actions , you may also contact us on our direct line number for further resolution options & getting some further Information about this lawsuit , our direct line number is 202-241-2115 .
Thank You
Steve Parks
Online users who have already called the number and given out their financial information (credit card, PIN, online account credentials) or made payment are asked to contact their banks and the police for help.