rimoney.club - it is a Fraudulent Work-From-Home Website

rimoney.club - it is a Fraudulent Work-From-Home Website

The website www.rimoney.club is a scam or fake being operated by online scammers or cyber criminals. The website (rimoney.club) claims it offers members the opportunity to earn money for viewing ad units and attracting referrals, but this is only a trick get potential victims to sign-up with them. Once potential victims become members and have reached the $150 payment threshold in order to cash out or receive their money, rimoney.club will ask them to buy fake referrals. If members buy the referrals, the website will charge their credit cards, kick them out of their accounts and disable them. This is when members will know that they have been scammed, when it is too late, because they have done all the work and have realized that they will never get paid. Therefore, online users are asked not to register with the fraudulent website and those who have already registered and working with the website are asked to stop.

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Online users who have used their credit cards on the website are asked to contact their banks for help. They should let their banks know that they have unknowingly used their credit cards on a fraudulent website. Their banks should be able to cancel the fraudulent transactions and refund their money, and may cancel their credit cards and give them a new one to prevent the scammers from continuously charging them.

www.rimoney.club - the Fraudulent Website


Again, do not waste your time working for rimoney.club because you will never get paid. Only the scammers responsible for the website will get paid and they will never share the earnings with you although you have done all the work. And, they will steal your money by tricking you into buying fake referrals.

You cannot delete your account and the rimoney.club may sell your email address to other online scammers. Therefore, members of the fraudulent website are asked look out for fake, phishing and malicious email messages that may start flooding their email inboxes. And, they should be aware of online scammers pretending to be online users claiming that they have gotten paid by the fraudulent website. This is a trick by online scammers to convince potential victims into registering with their fraudulent websites.

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May. 14, 2018 at 7:59 PM by
rimoney.club - it is a Fraudulent Work-From-Home Website
an anonymous user from: Bogor Kota, West Java, Indonesia

is this your experience? may I know more about it? and what happened if we don't play by their rules e.g. truly attract 40 referrals without buying them?


May. 22, 2018 at 6:49 PM by
rimoney.club - it is a Fraudulent Work-From-Home Website
an anonymous user from: Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany


This website speaks the truth. This site can't say such a thing without being 100% certain of their words.

I know every word here is true, because I too, own a website that exposes online scams. I have exposed - God, - too many of these same sites such as the one's you are being warned about here. Maybe 150 of them, I lose count.

They are all identical barring URL and Site Logo. These scammers, release new one's almost all the time, and I truly suspect the script is being sold online - much like a franchise. These people who buy such scripts also appear to be copying and pasting their sign up comments, with scam links, onto my YouTube videos also exposing these sites.

I signed up once to a site of theirs and they don't even require you to give valid email! WHAT! Unreal, that shoulda been a good warning to all.

As a general rule, if a site asks you to pay anything to release your earnings, it has to be a scam and I'd bet my bottom dollar that it is!

The unknown people behind these sites come from Russia and they also have them in German (original) and - I haven't checked today - over 900 of these scam sites in English. ZatMoney Club was their very first English one.

They began their illegal operations in 2014 and have proliferated like a virus. Their keywords to their sites, oddly enough is, "SAMPLE OF SENTINELS" - it sounds omnimous because they are of bad intent.

Ultimately, you will have to pay $10 and then $9 before monies released. Of course, they never pay. Also, what they offer per click is non-sensical.

Advertisers only pay out as low as 100th millionth of a cent per click. Max, perhaps if you are lucy, is 2 to 3 cents. If they paid out the amounts they are promise to so many members they'd be bankrupt in no time - not even BRANSON would pay that.

- Any questions, do ask me. I think I know as much as there is to know about these guys.

- Philip.


May. 1, 2018 at 8:40 AM by
rimoney.club - it is a Fraudulent Work-From-Home Website
an anonymous user from: Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

how to protect my account number and email?


May. 1, 2018 at 9:04 AM by
rimoney.club - it is a Fraudulent Work-From-Home Website

Change your passwords.


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rimoney.club - it is a Fraudulent Work-From-Home Website