Do Not Call 202-239-5292 - it is Being used Scammers

Do Not Call 202-239-5292 - it is Being used Scammers

Do not call 202-239-5292 because it is being used by scammers. The scammers or cybercriminals send out fake text or email messages instructing their potential victims to call the same number and then pretend to be customer service representatives from legitimate companies. If the recipients call the number, the scammers will trick them into disclosing their personal and financial information, which they will use fraudulently. Also, some of the fake messages being sent by the scammers will threaten legal action or arrest to frighten potential victims into making payment for so-called money owed or crimes committed.

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Therefore, recipients of fake emails with instructions to call 202-239-5292 are asked not to do so.

Online users who have already called the number and given out their financial information (credit card, PIN, online account credentials) are asked to contact their banks for help.

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Apr. 25, 2018 at 4:24 PM by
Do Not Call 202-239-5292 - it is Being used Scammers
an anonymous user from: Sunnyvale, California, United States

It started off today sending me an email telling me there was a lawsuit against me because I had failed to repay a payday loan and that they had been mailing things to my address since 2016 and since I failed to respond they were now going have me arrested on 3 different charges.

They had told me to email them back with a good number to reach me. I gave them one and then an hour later they called. I did not answer so the guy left a message. They all seem to be from another country but have English names.


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Do Not Call 202-239-5292 - it is Being used Scammers