Do not call 1-888-569-2835 because it is a fake Amazon, AOL, Apple, Facebook or other Internet giants technical support or customer service number. The fake number(1-888-569-2835 ) is being used by cybercriminals or scammers to trick online users into calling it. The cyber criminals do this by sending out fake emails or text messages like the one below, which claim the recipients should call for support or help.
Online users who have called 1-888-569-2835 and given out their banking information are asked to contact their banks for help, change the password of their online accounts, and contact their local authority if they gave out other sensitive information.
A Sample of a Fake Amazon Technical Support Email
From: Amazon []
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 5:10 PM
Subject: Alert
Password assistance
Someone tried to reset your password from Dayton,Ohio, If you have not requested this code
Please Call Us on 1-888-569-2835 And Please provide this code and your email address to verify your identity
Amazon takes your account security very seriously. Amazon will never email you and ask you to disclose or verify your Amazon password, credit card, or banking account number. If you receive a suspicious email with a link to update your account information, do not click on the link—instead, report the email to Amazon for investigation.
We hope to see you again soon.