"Cash Advance USA" Legal Notice and Arrest Warrant Scam

Cash Advance USA Legal Notice and Arrest Warrant Scam

The "Cash Advance USA" email below is a fake. The fake email message is being sent by scammers to trick the recipients into sending them money by threatening legal actions. Therefore, recipients of the fake email message which appears as if it came from a so-called Cash Advance Debt Solution, should delete it and not follow the instructions in it.

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It is important that the public takes precautions when asked to send money via money transfer services like Western Union and MoneyGram, or Prepaid Debit Card to pay legal services or the government. This is because scammers use those untraceable money transfer services to collect money from their victims. Money sent via those services are not refundable, once the scammers have collected or used it.

The "Cash Advance USA" Legal Notice and Arrest Warrant Scam

From: Danielle Hatten [mailto:danielle.hatten@morrisonlawgroup.net]

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 10:57 AM

Subject: [EXT] Final Attempt To Collect Your Outstanding Payment


Dear Customer,

We would like to inform you that this is the final attempt to collect payment for the outstanding amount on your loan account number 78906521 with "Cash Advance USA".

You have a total outstanding amount of $991.67. There were calls made to the number provided to you by our executives but it turned out to be a nonexistent number. We have also sent you copies of your bills and many payment request letters but all of them went unheeded.

We believe that you are aware that nonpayment of the outstanding amount has an adverse effect on your credit rating and your name may be blacklisted.

We would request you to get back to us immediately to avoid legal action.


Debt Collection Manager,

Cash Advance USA

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Oct. 4, 2020 at 9:22 AM by
"Cash Advance USA" Legal Notice and Arrest Warrant Scam

"Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 9:44 AM

To: attorneymorganassociates878@gmail.com <attorneymorganassociates878@gmail.com>

Subject: Lawsuit/ Final Notice

CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

Case File Transferred to ACS: - September 2020.

Case File No: ACE/1053894

Dear, Sir/ Madam,

Contact to- mailto:attorneymorganassociates878@gmail.com

Reason of this notification: Against you filed Concealment Lawsuit (Terminology *Concealment Lawsuit* in law book means any Creditor/Company/Law Firm/Business can file case against you without revealing identity to convict/(YOU).

In case if you are employed then, apart from getting laid off by your current employer after we send them the legal notice you will be blacklisted from getting any job.

Through an US Cash Advance your Social security number will be put on hold causing severe damage to your credit history or credit report and your income paychecks will be put on hold. Any child support, Disability, Unemployment or retirement benefits will be either place on hold or will be stopped until the outcome of the case.

Our primary job was to notify you about the case before we send you legal document in the mail because once this case gets registered and proceeded to its 2nd step then we won’t be able to help you out of court. Our client is least interested in getting the money at this point as they want to just go ahead and start taking legal actions however we wanted to contact you and give you last chance to resolve this case out of court.,

Police Case#AU-871515

Warrant ID#ON/7722

Complaint #: 863020

Due Amount $1194.52

The Attorney General's Legal Affairs & Investigation Section has received the complaint regarding your bad loan. In an effort to make you aware of information received by the Attorney General's Legal Affairs & Investigation Section concerning your Case File #ST-90381, we are sending this complaint to you for response.

We would appreciate it if you would provide your written reply within 2 hours of receipt of this request so the complaint can be resolved without further action by the (AIPOFS) Annually Investigation Practices Of Federal System. Along with your reply, please include copies of all transactional documents relating to this that shows you are innocent if you think of denying this accusation.

I would like to personally offer you good faith adjustment if you agree the terms of the resolution so we can confirm with the Groups Of Attorneys that the resolution offered is acceptable and close the file. If you deny then I apologies but seek to issue arrest warrant against you in 24 hours you will be taken either from your work place or home under the custody of 72 hours after bail this matter will be fully revealed in courthouse after the default judgment you have to bear $95000.00 as court restitution fee, in case if you fail to pay court fee then as per the law your property and bank account will be seized and sealed respectively with the imprisonment of 7 years.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Eileen M Decke (Case Manager)

NOTE: Please send all communication electronically when possible."

Here is another scam.


Sep. 16, 2019 at 1:26 PM by
"Cash Advance USA" Legal Notice and Arrest Warrant Scam

Here is another scam:

- Forwarded message -

From: Department of Law & Enforcement <cashadvancedept.usa@gmail.com>

Date: Mon, Sep 16, 2019, 8:45 AM

Subject: 09/16/2019 : NOTICE UNPAID LOAN ACCOUNT : IC32649.16 ;

To: CASH ADVANCE USA <cashadvancedept.usa@gmail.com>

Date of Issue : 09/16/2019

Reference Number: IC32649.16

Amount You Owe : 1,292.18

Date You Must Pay By : September 19th 2019

You have chosen to ignore all our efforts to contact you in order to resolve the debt .

You are going to be legally prosecuted in the Court House within couple of days.Hereby we inform that you are obliged to come as a defendant to District Court of Appeals onSeptember 19th 2019, at 11:00 a.m. for the hearing of your case of defaulting on a Case file number: CA-3287498.

Despite of several attempts to secure payment of the above noted Debt, you have failed to make good on your contractual obligations .Your protracted failure to pay this debt has led us to file petition in court and recover this money through Court.

Now there are two options in front of you that to take care of this matter outside the court by paying one time settlement amount, or you want to go inside the court house of your state with the legal procedures on your name and hampering your social and your credit ratings and you will end up paying $3,589.77 either by selling any of your personal assets or property.

If the Court is constituted of General Claims Procedure Act 1921 the Court has following jurisdiction—

(a) to conduct committal proceedings for a charge of an indictable offence;

(b) if the penalty is for 1 offence—5 years; and if the penalty is for more than 1 offence—10 years; or a fine that exceeds— in the case of an offence under the IC3 Act 2012 being heard by an magistrate—$5,000; or in any other case—$13 000.

Moving on,Its a legal requirement to send you notice of an intended court summon before it's issued . The letter fulfills this requirement even if you dint actually read it .We or our debt recovery agent,may also visit you to make an assessment before starting proceedings against you . Please note that the cost incurred for this,plus any legal cost, will be added to your account .

If Judgement is entered against you in the court we may ask you to seek enforcement of payment of the debt in one or more ways.If you do not pay us then we may share your information with credit reference agencies which will affect your overall credit rating .

YOU CAN APPLY FOR AN OUT OF COURT RESOLVE OPTION (OOCR): All you do is email us back for taking care of this matter outside the court house.

PS. If you fail respond within 24 hours this Legal Action will be activated. You will be Entitle for an OOCR, so please EMAIL us back ASAP.

By requesting an offer in compromise, but if you are failed to do that then we shall start the process of pressing those charges against you.

If you want to resolve this matter then e-mail us immediately during working hours. (Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 5 pm EST) reply back to this email.

NOTE: Please send all communication electronically to this email asap.


Copyright © 2019 ACE Privacy Terms of use


Aug. 12, 2019 at 11:42 PM by
"Cash Advance USA" Legal Notice and Arrest Warrant Scam
an anonymous user from: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I got one- was so scared -sent copy to attorney general, they even said prison time


Jun. 6, 2019 at 9:00 AM by
"Cash Advance USA" Legal Notice and Arrest Warrant Scam

Here is another scam:

"On Monday, June 3, 2019, Steven VITELA <stevenvitela@thecashadvanceloan.com> wrote:

Date: 06/03/2019


Payment required within 3 days.

Dear Customer,

We wish to advise that payment on behalf of loan account number:CSU#9E27462 has not been received. The total outstanding balance is $890.50

We would like to take this opportunity to remind that you remain in breach of our business terms and conditions.

We request that you to make payment within 3 days from the date of this letter. Failure to pay this overdue amount may result in recovery action being escalated.

For any queries/onetime settlement or payment arrangement revert ASAP.



Collections Department

Cash Advance USA"


May. 22, 2019 at 12:06 AM by
"Cash Advance USA" Legal Notice and Arrest Warrant Scam

The scammers are using this email address: Attorney John Smith <attorneyjohnsmith@debttcollections.in>


Mar. 26, 2019 at 8:32 AM by
"Cash Advance USA" Legal Notice and Arrest Warrant Scam
an anonymous user from: Washington, District of Columbia, United States

I am receiving this scam:

"Find Your Warrant Copy: MLBB-45824S2 will be going to release

This is last chance for you, to hold this Case File you must submit a minimum payment of $600.00

This Legal Proceeding will be issued on your Docket Number DL-20731642 with one of Cash Advance Inc. Company to let you know that after making calls on your phone number, we were unable to reach out to you. So, the account's department of Cash Advance has decided to mark this case as a Flat Refusal and press Legal Charges against you.


Amount Outstanding: $1210.86

We have sent you this warning notification about legal proceedings of March 8, 2015, but you failed to respond on time now. If you failed to respond in next 4 HOURS, we will register this case in court. Consider this as a final warning. And we will be Emailing/ Fax this issue to your current employer to make sure they take strict against you. Your salary wages will we garnished.

Do revert if you want to get rid of these legal consequences and make payment arrangement today or else we will be proceeding legally against you and this notification will also be sent to your current employer. The opportunity to take care of this voluntarily is quickly coming to an end. I regret to advise that unless payment is received before end of this week this invoice will be passed over to our legal authority. This could seriously affect your credit rating, so I urge you contact us immediately to make payment or arrange an alternative before this date.

You can email back to get the payment mode: Cashadvancedebttsolution@gmail.com

We will be forced to go ahead legally against you and once it proceeds to the Court House, the creditor has entire rights to tell your employer and your references about this issue and the lawsuit will be the next step which will be amounting to $6700.00 and will be totally levied upon excluding your attorney charges. If you take care of this matter out of court, then we will release the clearance certificate from the court and make sure that no one will contact you in the future.

Please let us know of your intention by today itself so we can hold the case or else we will send the paperwork to your local county sheriff department and you will we served by court summons at your door step.

Hereby, we inform you that we have 17 kinds of technical proof against you to prove that you are guilty and committed the following frauds.

1. Violation of Federal Banking Regulation.

2. Collateral Check Fraud

3. Theft by Deception

4. Electronic Fund Transfer Fraud.


Note: - If you ignore this email and fail to take care of this debt then all your bank accounts will be seized through Major Credited Bureau within Seven Business Days.

Your co-operation will be highly appreciated.

Paul Smith (Accounts Dept.)

Bureau of Defaulters agency FTC Incorporation

National Debt Solution

PO Box 105028

Atlanta, GA 30348-5028"


Feb. 22, 2019 at 12:05 PM by
"Cash Advance USA" Legal Notice and Arrest Warrant Scam

Here is another scam:

"Cash Advance USA Loans Inc.


Dear Customer,

We have attempted to reach you several times without success regarding your past due invoice number AA-9U216D8 for $991.67.

If payment has not been sent, please send your payment today in order to prevent us from forwarding your account to the debt collection agency.

Please resolve this balance promptly.

If you have any questions or problems regarding this invoice, please let us know.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best Regards,


Accounts Department

Cash Advance USA Inc."


Feb. 7, 2019 at 8:47 AM by
"Cash Advance USA" Legal Notice and Arrest Warrant Scam

Here is another scam:

- Forwarded message -

From: Amanda Wilson <amanda.wilson@advancecashservices.net>

Date: Wed, Feb 6, 2019, 12:03 PM

Subject: Final Demand Letter

Dear Customer,

This is our official notice to you regarding the due payment. You have defaulted to pay the dues – you owe $991.67.

You did not make the payment, despite repeated requests from our side.

If we do not receive the payment in full by today February 6, 2019, we will have to do whatever we can under the law to recover our money with accumulated interest from you that includes, but does not limit to legal proceedings against you, not to mention the legal expenses shall also be borne by you.

We are open to discussion before February 8, 2019, but after this date, we will have no other option, but to go with the legal proceedings.

Thank You.


Legal Department

Cash Advance USA


Nov. 14, 2018 at 11:24 AM by
"Cash Advance USA" Legal Notice and Arrest Warrant Scam
an anonymous user from: Melbourne, Florida, United States

I just got this great email on Nov 12, 2018.

"On Mon, 11/12/18, LEGAL DEPARTMENT ACE <cashadvancedept.corp@gmail.com> wrote:

Subject: Re: NOTICE ; 11/12/2018 : Case File # 1:17-CR-269 ;

To: "CASH ADVANCE USA" <cashadvancedept.corp@gmail.com>

Date: Monday, November 12, 2018, 1:18 PM

Petition File Submitted on

November 12th, 2018 – DEBT


Failure to response may

result in a warrant being issued for your arrest .

Hereby we inform

that you are obliged to come as a defendant to District

Court of Appeals on November 13th 2018, at 11:00 a.m. for

the hearing of your case of defaulting on a LOAN, CASE


You are summoned and required

to serve upon Plaintiff. Pursuant to 17 U.S.C § 485 (c) we are automatically

authorized for filing of this petition and taking any action

to collect this debt from you.

We are hereby directed to

withhold any restrained financial accounts and/or cease any

income executions immediately .A violation of the petition

filed to collect this debt

may be actionable pursuant to

362 (h) or as contempt of court and punished accordingly.





Dear Debtor,

The Attorney General's Legal Affairs&Investigation

Section has received the complaint regarding your bad loan.

In an effort to make you aware of information received by the Attorney General's Legal Affairs&Investigation

Section concerning your Case File, we are sending this complaint to you for response.

We would appreciate it if you would provide your written reply within 24 hours of receipt of this request so

the complaint can be resolved without further action by the (AIPOFS) Annually Investigation Practices Of Federal


I would like to personally offer you good faith adjustment if you

agree the terms of the resolution so we can confirm with the

Groups Of Attorneys that the resolution offered is

acceptable and close the file. If you deny then I apologies

but seek to issue arrest warrant against you in 24 hours you

will be taken either from your work place or home under the

custody of 48 hours after bail this matter will be fully

revealed in courthouse after the default

judgement.Under Section 51 U.S.C 376 the company can collect the funds before three years of the contract as

per the Federal Government Right to collect the debt first

accrued, except as otherwise provided by law.

Which carries a maximum sentence of 4 years of prison and a fine up to $3,000.Legal costs and interest may be

added to the debt.


you do is email us back for taking care of this matter outside the court house.

PS. If you fail respond within 24 hours this Legal Action will be activated. You will be Entitle for an OOCR, so please EMAIL us back ASAP.

By requesting an offer in compromise, but if you are failed to do that then we shall start the process of pressing those charges against you.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

NOTE: Please send all communication electronically to this

email asap.

Sincerely,Rachel WatsonSenior Investigation Officer


Department-Laws &



Oct. 10, 2018 at 10:28 AM by
"Cash Advance USA" Legal Notice and Arrest Warrant Scam

They are using this email address: cashadvancedept.corp@gmail.com


Nov. 14, 2018 at 11:22 AM by
"Cash Advance USA" Legal Notice and Arrest Warrant Scam
an anonymous user from: Melbourne, Florida, United States

I just got an email from that address on Monday. People will try anything these days.


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"Cash Advance USA" Legal Notice and Arrest Warrant Scam