"Federal Bureau of Investigation Foreigners with Transactions in Africa" Scam

Federal Bureau of Investigation Foreigners with Transactions in Africa Scam

The email below, which claims the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating fraudsters who are in the business of swindling Foreigners that have transactions in Africa, is a fake. The fake email is being sent by scammers who will subsequently ask their potential victims to send personal information. Once they have collected their potential victims' information, the scammers will contact them and attempt to trick them into sending money.

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The "Federal Bureau of Investigation Foreigners with Transactions in Africa" Scam

From: AGENT ANDY MIKE <FBI.@luck.ocn.ne.jp>

Date: 2/17/18 4:51 AM (GMT-08:00)


Federal Bureau Of Investigations

Headquarters Washington Dc.

Building 935 Pennsylvania Ave.

NW WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535-0001

E-Mail: fbifruadinvestigations@yahoo.com


Attn Recipient:

This is agent Andy Mike, we were sent by the Director of Federal Bureau of Investigation (CHRISTOPHER WRAY), we are currently in Africa as an FBI/ United States delegate that have been delegated to investigate these fraudsters who are in the business of swindling Foreigners that has transactions in Africa.

Be informed that during our investigations we found out that there is a total amount of $4.5 Million that has been assigned in your name as the beneficiary and these fraudsters are busy swindling you without any hope of receiving your fund, these are the works of the fraudsters who needed to extort money from you in the name of this transfer, We have to inform you that we have arrested some men in respect of this delayed overdue fund,We have a very limited time to stay in Africa here so I advise you urgently respond to this message.

These criminals will be caught unaware and we don't want them to know this new development to avoid jeopardizing our investigation, you need to conceal anything that has to do with this exercise to enable us get all the necessary information we required.

I will be expecting your swift response as soon as you receive this email and notify us of any message or phone call you receive from those fraudsters for us to investigate on it before you make any contact with them.

In case if found this message in spam folder, it could be due to your Internet Service Provider, ISP. So kindly move to your inbox before replying.

My Regards,

Agent Andy Mike

Email:: fbifruadinvestigations@yahoo.com


Federal Bureau of Investigation

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May. 31, 2019 at 1:09 PM by
"Federal Bureau of Investigation Foreigners with Transactions in Africa" Scam

Here is another fake email:

"From: "DAVID JACKSON"<agentdavidcksonoffice1@lilac.ocn.ne.jp>

Date: May 31, 2019 at 6:33:15 PM EDT

Subject: (US$2,600,000.00 USD) for being a victim

Reply-To: <agentdavidjacksonoffice1@gmail.com>


My Phone number 2348033826152

To: Beneficiary

This is FBI special agents, David Jackson. I was delegated along side others by the United Nations to come over to Africa to investigate

fraudsters who had been in the business of swindling foreigners especially those that has one form of transaction/contracts and

another. Please be informed that in the course of our investigation, we detected that your name and details in our Scammed Monitoring

Network. We also found out that you were scammed of a huge sum of money by scammers via Western union and MoneyGram. Be informed here

that in a bid to alleviate the suffering of scammed victims, the United Nations initiated this compensation program and therefore, you

are entitled to the sum of Two Million Six Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$2,600,000.00 USD) for being a victim.

Note that the said fund will be transfer to you via the Citibank being the paying bank mandated by the United Nations officials.

However, we have to inform you that we have been able to arrest some of the swindlers who has been in this illicit business and will all be

prosecuted accordingly. Be informed as well that we have limited time to stay back here, so we will advice that you urgently respond to this

message ASAP. And do not inform any of the people that collected money from you before now about this new development to avoid jeopardizing

our investigation. All you need to do is to follow our instruction and receive your compensation accordingly as directed by the United


We urgently wait to receive your response.

Reply to: davidjacksonok2017@gmail.com ( OR )






My Phone number 2348033826152"


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"Federal Bureau of Investigation Foreigners with Transactions in Africa" Scam