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"Payday Loan Company Debt Legal Notice" Scams

Online users who have received "Payday Loan Company Debt Legal Notice" email messages like the one below, which claim that they have been given a chance to settle a debt outside of court, should delete the email messages and not follow the instructions in them. This is because the fake email messages are fraudulent, and are being sent by online scammers to trick the recipients into sending them money believing that they will be sued for money owed and their credit history tarnished.


The "Payday Loan Company Debt Legal Notice" Scam

From: Administrative Department []

Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 1:51 PM



Company Name: Advantage Credit Union.

Case File Number: (Case file #UD-192170K)

Due Amount: $1280.00



This is to notify you that is currently in default under its obligations to Advantage Credit Union. In the amount of $1280.00

We hereby given Five days of our intention to commence County Court action to recover the debt shown below. If we do not receive payment of this amount within seven days from the date of this notice we will issue no further notifications. We will immediately proceed with issuing a summons against the party shown below for the said amount.

Our company name is Advantage Credit Union. Which stands for the association of original creditor and Advantage Credit Union. Is parent Payday Loan Company who owes and operates about more than 442 payday loan websites all over the USA.

This is all about an internet payday loan which was borrowed by you from one of our sub payday loan company. There are so many payday loan websites like Net Loan USA, Fax Free Cash, Cast Net USA, National Payday, Cash Advance expert, Cash Today, and so on. You have logged on to one of the sub payday loan websites and given your identity proofs, Banking information, personal information to borrow loan.

I have all the proofs with all of your personal details in the affidavit with me. So before it gets downloaded inside the court house with the legal procedures on your name and on your social security number with hampering on your credit ratings so Just reply me back whether you want to put a hold on this case file and settle it outside the court house with the settlement amount and close it or else you want to take this matter inside the court house with the penalty fees and judge fees and court house fees and you may end up in a legal mess.

If you do not appear at that time and place, judgment with costs may be made against you in your absence.

In event of this happening:

ØYou will incur court costs

ØYou will incur further interest charges as per our Terms and Conditions of Trade and

ØYour details will be passed to major credit reference agencies. They will make adjustments to your credit rating, which will affect your ability to raise credit in the future.

We have repeatedly advised you of your long overdue balance in the amount of $1280.00since you have not made payment we have turned your account over to our attorneys and instructed them to commence suit without further delay. There is still time, however, to avoid suit you have to contact us within the next 24 hours. This will be your final opportunity to resolve matters without the expense of court proceedings.

What you want to do with your case file? Whether you want to settle the matter inside the court house with the legal procedures or you want to take care of this matter outside the court house by paying the settlement amount back to the company?

IF once your case file gets downloaded inside the court house then you have to pay $3589.27 inside the court house including Court fees, Judge Fees, Attorney fees, extra penalty and lots of more.

I just want your intention on this case file that do you want to put a hold on this case file or should I process it inside the court house?

If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter, please us Email the undersigned immediately.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Cc: Debtor's Higher Level

CC: Collection Agency/Legal Counsel


The information contained in this communication is privileged, confidential and is proprietary. This email is solely intended for the use of the addressee. Information in this mail is for FCI (Financial Crime and Investigation Department) Usage only. Any use to other than the addressee is misuse and infringement to Proprietorship of FCI (Financial Crime and Investigation Department). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email or any action or omission taken by you in reliance on it, is strictly prohibited and may be lawful. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately.

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