Do Not Call 1-888-569-2760 - it is a Fake Technical Support or Customer Service Number Operated by Scammers

Do Not Call 1-888-569-2760 - it is a Fake Technical Support or Customer Service Number Operated by Scammers

Do not call 1-888-569-2760 because it is a fake Facebook, Apple, or other Internet giants technical support or customer service number. The fake number(1-888-569-2760) is being used by cybercriminals or scammers to trick online users into calling it. The cyber criminals do this by sending out fake emails or text messages like the one below, which claim the recipients should call for support or help.

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A Fake Email Used to Trick Online Users into Calling 1-888-569-2760



Your Facebook account has been logged in to recently using a confirmation code 161145 on Monday, Februart 12, 2018 at 10:00 (EST).

Operating system: Windows

Browser: Chrome

IP address:

Estimated location: Dayton, Ohio, US

If you didn't do this, Please call us on 1-888-569-2760.


The Facebook Security Team

If the recipients call the number, they will get an automated message asking them to enter their account credentials, personal information, including their social security numbers, bank account numbers, or other information the cybercriminals need in order to gain access to their potential victims’ accounts, steal their money and use their accounts fraudulently.

Recipients of the fake messages who have called 1-888-569-2760 and given out their banking information are asked to contact their banks for help, change the password of their online accounts, and contact their local authority if they gave out other sensitive information.

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Mar. 22, 2018 at 2:25 PM by
Do Not Call 1-888-569-2760 - it is a Fake Technical Support or Customer Service Number Operated by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Montpelier, Vermont, United States

I just got this on my work email. Unreal. I called the number from my work phone and got a live person, but they wanted me to sign into Google Chrome so she could help me navigate the system to protect my passwords and other information. Are people really stupid enough to let a total stranger into their computer? Sigh!


Mar. 11, 2018 at 3:42 PM by
Do Not Call 1-888-569-2760 - it is a Fake Technical Support or Customer Service Number Operated by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I just got the same email - I called and when he said he wanted me to log on to a site, so he could share my screen - I hung up on him. Thank you for the alert. JERKS


Mar. 3, 2018 at 3:06 PM by
Do Not Call 1-888-569-2760 - it is a Fake Technical Support or Customer Service Number Operated by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Ithaca, New York, United States

My spouse just got this same email and when he called (while I tried to check for scams). He got a live person (female) on the other end who wanted to share his screen. We hung right up. Thanks for sharing info about these scammers!


Feb. 24, 2018 at 10:04 AM by
Do Not Call 1-888-569-2760 - it is a Fake Technical Support or Customer Service Number Operated by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Sunnyvale, California, United States

I see all the postings for Kindle support. I just called and when they started asking me to open up my computer because of the same notification shown above, I thought this doesn't sound right.

As it is, how can I be getting help from Facebook while the web says its giving support services for Kindle through Amazon. I hung up and glad I did.


Feb. 21, 2018 at 11:44 AM by
Do Not Call 1-888-569-2760 - it is a Fake Technical Support or Customer Service Number Operated by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Woodlawn, Illinois, United States

They sent this to my boss over our business Facebook account. While I was leery it was a scam I called, they asked for my name/email/phone number then put me on hold.

I gave a fake name and email and said that I had no phone number attached to this account. While on hold I Googled the number and saw this and numerous other articles stating that this was a scam, I then hung up. I asked my Boss to log out of all devices through the settings just in case.


Feb. 19, 2018 at 12:22 PM by
Do Not Call 1-888-569-2760 - it is a Fake Technical Support or Customer Service Number Operated by Scammers
an anonymous user from: Lake Forest, Illinois, United States

I called the number, like an idiot. But they did not ask for any information other than my name and cell phone number. Is that likely to be a problem?


Feb. 19, 2018 at 1:18 PM by
Do Not Call 1-888-569-2760 - it is a Fake Technical Support or Customer Service Number Operated by Scammers

No, but they will contact you and attempt to scam you. So, just be careful going forward.


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Do Not Call 1-888-569-2760 - it is a Fake Technical Support or Customer Service Number Operated by Scammers