The "5-Hour Energy Drink Car Wrap" Auto Advertising Scam

The 5-Hour Energy Drink Car Wrap Auto Advertising Scam

The "5-Hour Energy Drink Car Wrap" auto car wrap or autowrapping advertising below is a scam. The scam claims that vehicle owners with a driver's license can be paid $500 or more weekly via check (cheque) to have their vehicle wrapped with an advertisement. The scammers behind this fraudulent scheme or scam will send you fake checks, ask you to take your share of the money and wire the rest to a graphic designer or give it to someone else. But, the checks are fakes and will bounce. The wired money will actually go to the scammers behind this fraudulent scheme. You will then be left to pay back the bank the wired amount and other charges associated with the processing of the check. Whenever you receive offers that are too good to be true, please do your research before participating, even if the offers seem legitimate.

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Recipients of the following "5 Hours Energy Drink Car Wrap" email message or something similar are asked to delete it and should not follow the instructions in it.

The "5-Hours Energy Drink Car Wrap" Auto Advertising Scam

Date: Sun, Oct 28, 2018, 11:50 AM

From: ®Apple Motor Corporation

We received your email and you do qualify to carry the 5 Hours Energy Drink on your vehicle. As you know this has been OUT-SOURCED to an agency and we have forwarded your details to the agency, so we are currently working with them on sending out the fund to you to get the Advert placed on your vehicle.

Please note that the Check payment will be sent to you to cover your first week salary of $500. And also the Specialist fund will be included, you will have it deposited when the Check clears which will be in a day or two, you are to deduct your $500 and the rest will be going to the Specialist that will be responsible for the Advert placement on your vehicle, we will also send you the information to send it to and Instruction with details that will guide you on the proceeding for the decal to be placed as soon as the upfront payment has been delivered to you.

Acknowledge the receipt of this email immediately.

On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 1:05 PM samantha myers <> wrote:

Samantha Myers

How long do you intend to carry the advert on your car 1 month or 3 months? 3 months

Do you use your car everyday? Yes

Date: Sat, Oct 27, 2018, 4:01 PM

From: ®Apple Motor Corporation <>


We are please to inform you that you meet our laid out plans for this advertisement as your information has been received. Below are some questions you need to answer before we can proceed.

How long do you intend to carry the advert on your car 1 month or 3 months?

Do you use your car everyday?

Your upfront payment would made after you have sent a reply with answer to the questions above and a confirmation email saying we should go ahead and mail out funds.

Note: 5 Hours Energy Drink will take full responsibility for placing and remove decal on your car and it will not resort to any damage. Also we have OUT-SOURCED the payment of funds to you to another Agency, so please do not be alarmed by the payment not coming directly from 5 Hours Energy Drink .

Acknowledge receipt of this email immediately.

Kind Regards!

®5 Hours Energy Drink Motor Corporation, USA. All rights reserved..

We will like you to email Western Union transfer details for Confirmation upon completion of payment within 24/48hrs you receive the Check.

1. Western Union # as it is appears on the receipt,

2. Best time that the Specialist can meet up with you at your residence for the placement of the Wrap on your Vehicle.

3. After you start the Promotional Marketing you will be receive a Check of $500 Every Friday of the week via USPS in your mail

Note: 5 Hours Energy Drink Car Wrap will take full responsibility for placing and remove decal on your car and it will not resort to any damage. And also you are entitle to receive $500 weekly wages for you carrying out our decal on your Car and upon the process for the wrap placement, you will receive an agreement form to sign by the specialist the same day the wrap will take place at your residence.

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Sep. 11, 2023 at 7:41 PM by
The "5-Hour Energy Drink Car Wrap" Auto Advertising Scam
an anonymous user from: Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States

I received one Kenneth he wants me deposit check then send it to him after I take my part and it's sign pare donnell


Aug. 26, 2022 at 1:57 PM by
The "5-Hour Energy Drink Car Wrap" Auto Advertising Scam
an anonymous user from: Santa Paula, California, United States

I received the same thing from this Mathew evans today

Automobile Advert

5:00 AM (6 hours ago)

to me

Hello, this now seems to me that you want to run away with my money..I will have to involve the FBI and the local CIA on this business it seems you want to s***w me.and you have refused to reply my text concerning the money I sent to you..all our conversation chain is been watched by the federal bureau..and besides,we have an agent that works as a fraud investigator for FBI, we will be giving you once more chance to get back to us with the status of my money or somethings else will happen ...This is his contact office address in case you want to verify...



Federal Bureau Of Investigation.

FBI-Washington Field Office

601 4th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20535



Jul. 31, 2022 at 11:52 AM by
The "5-Hour Energy Drink Car Wrap" Auto Advertising Scam
an anonymous user from: Anne Arundel County, Crownsville, Maryland, United States

I also received this by text message. Fortunately for me I have very low trust issues. That's why I came here to see if my suspicious nature was right..



Sep. 11, 2023 at 7:46 PM by
The "5-Hour Energy Drink Car Wrap" Auto Advertising Scam
an anonymous user from: Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States

How do the scammers get Money if u take the check to the bank they won't cash a fraud check they know to check they run it through a machine are the banks cashing theses checks what if u do cash it and don't send the scammers just windering


Sep. 11, 2023 at 7:52 PM by
The "5-Hour Energy Drink Car Wrap" Auto Advertising Scam

The check will bounce. The scammers are hoping u send them the money before the check cleared.


Feb. 20, 2021 at 7:51 PM by
The "5-Hour Energy Drink Car Wrap" Auto Advertising Scam
an anonymous user from: Washoe, Reno, Nevada, United States

I was a victim of these frauds misrepresenting them selves as part of 5 Hour Energy drink I turned them into the FBI the ones responsible are named Mathew Evans operating out of the Bay Area 389 Moffett Park Dr Sunnyvale Ca 94089 California and Charlene Mckissick out of 7105 Airport Blvd Mobile,Alabama 36608 when I contacted 5 Hour Energy Drink it was made clear that these two were a couple of grifters and need to be prosecuted if you've been a victim contact and file your information lets put these rats behind bars


May. 15, 2022 at 1:38 PM by
The "5-Hour Energy Drink Car Wrap" Auto Advertising Scam
an anonymous user from: Chaffee County, Buena Vista, Colorado, United States

My boyfriend just received a check from the 5 hour energy scam. What do we do next?


May. 15, 2022 at 2:59 PM by
The "5-Hour Energy Drink Car Wrap" Auto Advertising Scam

Report it to the police or just destroy it.


Jan. 13, 2021 at 9:08 PM by
The "5-Hour Energy Drink Car Wrap" Auto Advertising Scam
an anonymous user from: San Patricio, Portland, Texas, United States

Mine came from Williams Coleman. I called the bank that held the checking account and they said there was no funds to cover the check...hmmmm I wonder why.


Jun. 22, 2020 at 6:25 AM by
The "5-Hour Energy Drink Car Wrap" Auto Advertising Scam
an anonymous user from: Chickasha, Oklahoma, United States

Here is what I did. I told them I would not transfer any funds from my account to anyone. I deposited cashiers check in my account, my bank will hold for ten days to make sure of its legitimacy. If the check clears I will get a cashiers check and personally hand to the installer upon completion of wrap advert. So far he has answered all my calls and text and kept in contact with me. I don’t know what else to do to protect myself against this, I’m still Leary but he has been Legit and is being patient with my requests few


May. 29, 2020 at 5:13 PM by
The "5-Hour Energy Drink Car Wrap" Auto Advertising Scam
an anonymous user from: Park City, Utah, United States

I too, received a letter from "Matthew Evans" but upon reading it with all of it's spelling and grammatical errors, I quickly realized it was a scam.

Tee Hee Hee, I happen to have friends in the Attorney General's Office in NY and forwarded the correspondence to him. I also notified 5 Hour Energy corporate offices and Fedex Corporate offices since they are using both companies in their scam.

They have no idea who they messed with this time! I love it when criminals trip themselves up!



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The "5-Hour Energy Drink Car Wrap" Auto Advertising Scam