What is corpoutlook.com and is it Legitimate?

What is corpoutlook.com and is it Legitimate?

Getting a lot of suspicious emails from corpoutlook.com? Do not be alarmed, the emails are not malicious. The website or domain name(corpoutlook.com) is legitimate and belongs to a risk management company called Wombat Security Technologies that provides training for end users.

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Wombat Security Technologies uses corpoutlook.com to create phishing threat simulations to educate and test end users through automated attack simulations and quality security awareness training. They display the following message at www.corpoutlook.com to tell online users what the domain or website name is used for:

"Hi! This web site belongs to Wombat Security Technologies, the proactive user risk management company. This domain is used to deliver some pretty awesome training to end users. This page is a boring placeholder just to let you know that this domain is legitimate and that we're not evil hackers. The email that led you here was likely sent by your company, agency, or organization as part of a training program.

If you have questions, you can contact your help desk. If you still have questions you can contact us at support@wombatsecurity.com."

Wombat Security Technologies' Website

Wombat Security Technologies - wombatsecurity.com

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Apr 24, 2024 at 10:37 AM by
What is corpoutlook.com and is it Legitimate?
an anonymous user from: Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany

Datenmissbrauch. Gefälschte Daten, Lizenzen, Webseiten. Geteilte Links von alten Google Konten, Uber Youtybe, Facebook, Twitter und Messenger und Instagram. Fak Nachrichten. Mein Handy ist mit PC gekoppelt und mit Android Geraten. Ich habe keine Privatsphäre mehr.

Data misuse. Fake data, licenses, websites. Shared links from old Google accounts, Uber YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Messenger and Instagram. Fake messages. My phone is connected to a PC and to Android devices. I no longer have any privacy.


Aug 29, 2022 at 9:56 AM by
What is corpoutlook.com and is it Legitimate?
an anonymous user from: Mladost, Sofia, Bulgaria

Received this scam:

"Dear ***,

Due to recent suspicious activity, we have temporarily suspended your account. IT Security has implemented additional safeguards to help protect your account when there is a possibility that someone other than you tried to sign on. You may be getting this message because you signed in from a different location or device. If this is the case, your access may be restored when you return to your normal sign on method. As soon as possible, please log into your mail account from your normal computer. Click below to reset your account.

Click To Reset Your Account <embeded link into the text>


IT Security"


Nov 5, 2019 at 1:14 PM by
What is corpoutlook.com and is it Legitimate?
an anonymous user from: Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Thanks to the folks at Wombat for not using a recent one that was a "dead ringer" for a USPS email. I submit that no person could have been reasonably expected to have "picked up" on that one.


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What is corpoutlook.com and is it Legitimate?